I could find a million poems about “what a mother is.” The
value of a mother. What makes a mother…and
they would all be incredibly cliché and redundant. So I will just tell you what my mother is to
First and foremost she was 50% responsible for creating me,
but 100% responsible for getting me out into this world. How do you thank a person for that? Although sometimes throughout a person’s life
I am sure they think things were easier BEFORE being brought into this cruel
I remember when I was little and would get in trouble for
whatever reason and she would say, wait until you are mother, then you will
know. I am saddened that I probably will
“never know,” but how could either of us know how my life would turn out?
What I remember most about growing up is how much I
disappointed her. It killed me. It still does. I don’t think we ever want to disappoint our
parents, but we will, probably more times than we can keep track of and it will
be painful each time.
I am not sure if she wanted to be a mother, or it was just
how things progressed. I think she was
told that she wouldn’t be able to have children after me, but somehow managed
to squeeze my brother in there. I think
in that day and time that was what you did.
Got married, had babies, took care of the home. It would have been interesting to go back and
ask is this what you WANT to do or what your Mother WANTS YOU to do. I know that she spent half of her life trying
not to disappoint her own mother. And
those were big shoes to fill.
I have a relationship with my mom that I find common, but I
would probably be surprised to find out it isn’t as common as I thought. My mom is one of my best friends. She has been since I was very little. We bonded early because of my poor
health. I guess there is some irony in
all the years she had to take care of me, turning around to be all the years I
have tried to take care of her. She is
the only mom I will ever have…there is no question to whether I would do that
or not.
My mom has a heart bigger than any heart I have ever
seen. She too wears her on her sleeve. Probably where I learned that it was
acceptable to do so. I have watched her
get hurt many times because of it. We
used to make fun of her many moons ago, because if there was a card to be sent
to someone, for whatever reason, my mom would send it. She made peoples day doing this. She could connect with people in ways most
could never imagine. She knows know
stranger. She has the most welcoming,
open arms of anyone I have ever met. She
is full of passion and compassion. But I
think the thing that sticks out the most is her sincerity…you know that my mom
is sincere. You know that she means what
she says…that she has no hidden agenda.
The stories I love most to hear are the ones when she used
to work at the high school and how many kids’ lives she changed, just because
she listened. She was very
empathetic. She didn’t have to know what
was going on at home or at school to know that some kids just needed someone to
give a damn. She has the most beautiful
soul, truly.
If you know my mom, you know that she has battled her own
health issues for that past, well; lots of years…I think we are finally getting
some answers, FINALLY, but it’s been a struggle for sure. There are many times that she theoretically
should have left this earth. I guess God
wasn’t ready. She had more to do here on
this earth. I cannot even imagine that
day coming because I for one know I will not be able to deal with it.
She did make me into the woman I am today. I am proud to say that. I do not care what others think of her or her
actions or anything she has done or become, I love her no matter what. Although she initially was very hurt and
angry at my lifestyle choice, I believe it helped her open her own heart and
learn that we are not put on this earth to judge others, someone else much
bigger than us all does that.
I have no way to repay you Mom…for all of the things that
you have done for me, especially OUTSIDE of the realm of just being my
mom. I pray every single day for your
health and happiness as I know no other person on this planet that deserves it
more than you. I admire and respect you
more than I do any other human being and I can only hope I am half the daughter
you hoped I would be.