Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Momma needs a new pair of shoes...

My 2012 “turning over a new leaf” endeavor is turning out to be quite expensive, which I personally find bogus.  We are overweight, we are overfed, we are overstimulated, and we are OVER everything because it is so CHEAP to be so. 

I have important feet.  Well who doesn’t right, but really, mine are.  Not just because they are mine, but from the bottom of my feet to the base of my neck, a preposterous amount of $ has been spent on my body.  Repairing it actually.  Let’s just say I could easily be living on a lake somewhere in that log cabin I have always dreamed of…SOOOOOOOOOOOO, with that being said, it is important to me…my body that is…but my feet are of the utmost importance because they carry this bad girl around.

So it comes as no surprise to me that when I start walking and making it be an actual part of my day to day life, just like brushing my teeth, that I need new shoes.  Well, I my friends, am not able to just run to the nearest shoe store and by your average Joe sneakers to walk from point A to point B.  I could yes, but I particularly don’t wish to have future mechanical problems.  What DID surprise me however is how expensive the shoes are that I did need.  And I only have 3 choices.  Why only 3 do you ask?  Well, if you are serious about your health and getting the right shoes for your feet, you will take a test…one that evaluates your feet.  It just so happens that I am an over-pronator with a high arch.  It’s usually the other way around…if you over pronate (Google it) you should have a flat foot, or no arch.  BUT NOPE, not me…I have the two together.  And yes I know this for sure.  And yes fitness used to be my life so I know I am not getting shang-highed here…I eliminated one of the 3 strictly based on looks alone…which helps…and no they were the same price as the other two, so I wasn’t being snobbish.

This also carries over into the grocery store, which I know has nothing to do with my feet, but if you wanted to feel better; you have to spend more money.  Fruits, vegetables, etc. are not cheap…

I do not agree with this commercialism or whatever is happening and am not sure I am in the position to change it, but it is high time we did something about it.  If you have any ideas, I am willing to listen and try.

For now though, it is not necessary for you to walk a mile in my shoes, because they are entirely too expensive for me to loan out.  Sorry.  

P.S. Yes, the picture above is of the shoes I will be buying.


  1. I like the shoes! What kind are they? We need to talk shoes. I need to find comfy, cute ones for work. Where should I go for this foot assessment?

  2. Michelle- The shoes are Saucony ProGrid Hurricane 13. I did the online test at Runners World, but also Running Central in Peoria located at 4450 N Prospect Rd, Peoria Heights, does assessments, as I believe they do in Galesburg on Seminary Street, I will look up the name of that place. If you want to wear the right shoes, it really is vital to have this done!

  3. Those shoes look awesome. Best of luck turning over a new leaf!
