Thursday, May 10, 2012

The ugliest thing I know...

What is the ugliest thing I know and why?  I know some pretty ugly things.  I have seen some pretty ugly things.  I was kind of headed that direction with this question…like what is the ugliest thing you PERSONALLY know or have seen or have felt.  Yes it is depressing, but ugly shit happens every day.  It doesn’t go away, I wish it would, but it doesn’t. 

This produced a lot of answers which I honestly didn’t expect that it would.  But I am grateful for that.  I was not surprised by the answers, at all.  I think it is safe to say that you can sum them all up in one nice, neat little pile.  The way we treat others…especially those who are different.  Black, white, Jewish, Catholic, gay, straight, disabled…abuse falls under that category as well.  And I am here to tell you that I have witnessed the destruction verbal abuse causes…minimizing someone’s feelings or making another person feel inferior especially in front of others may be one of the worst things I have seen.  I have never personally witnessed physical abuse.  I know it’s out there.  I know it exists.  And I am also here to tell you that physical abuse is NOT exclusive to woman and children.  Men are physically abused as well.  Mentally and emotionally too.  As well as animals.

If you don’t know me real well, you should by reading this blog.  I tie my heart to something…I try real, real hard not to, because my heart is a vulnerable little sucker.  Actually it can be a real son of a bitch at times because it FEELS SO MUCH.  I think that I would have to say the ugliest thing I know would be when someone takes away another human beings spirit.  Via, physical, mental, verbal, emotional or spiritual abuse.  Or even by being ignored, discarded.

If you live under a rock you are unaware of this new crusade I am on.  I have no earthly clue how I am going to go about helping to resolve this problem, but I am working that out.  I follow Ashley Judd (actress, sister to Wynonna, etc.) on Twitter.  She was really adamant awhile back about saving this dog.  One dog.  In a world where we live with thousands of homeless animals.  This one captured her heart.  And he did because of how he arrived in her life.  “Walter” was thrown out of a moving vehicle, with a leash and the yard stake still attached.  He was starving to death.  Well, you can read the story by clicking here TEAM WALTER…I have put it on my FB page a couple times now.  I have no idea why this hit me square in the solar plexus.  I guess because when I realized that this has occurred to other dogs since Walter and that witnesses have seen it happen, I got real, real angry.  If you saw this, what the hell would you do?  We live in a world where most of us stand back and do nothing.  I am sorry, but we don’t.  Nobody wants to get involved.  Not their business.  Well, if I saw this or anything remotely like it to an animal, an adult, a child, whatever, I would not sit by and watch.  I couldn’t.  I don’t possess that skill.  To sit back and do nothing.  Actually, that may be the ugliest thing I know.  That people DO NOTHING.  I would rather have a person be pissed off at me for involving myself and possibly reaching the wrong conclusion, than to walk away and hope for the best.  I would like to think that I would have called 911 and told them where I saw the dog thrown so as to get it help and followed that car, truck, whatever until whenever.  Possibly endangering my own life yes, but that is not how I am wired. 
Wow, what a different world this would be if we would embrace our differences.  If we would stand up for those who can’t.  If we all treated each other the way we wanted to be treated.  If the punishment for harming another living creature, fit the crime. 

I can’t sit back and do nothing.  I just can’t.  And if I didn’t need my job I would be down in Tennessee right now, on that road, just sitting.  Extreme?  Perhaps.  I don’t care.  It has to stop.

And one more thing.  If you are someone who has ever crushed someone’s spirit at any point in your life, for whatever reason, apologize.  Who the hell are any of us to do that?  I don’t know how I feel about karma, honestly.  And I don’t know how I feel about people getting what they deserve in the afterlife, because let’s be honest, it doesn’t present the instant gratification I need in this life…but I hope and I pray that any human being who does that, crushes someone or something, for sport, or for fun, or because it happened to them, or because it is just who they are, that someday, somehow, somewhere, SOMETHING crushes them.  

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