Friday, June 1, 2012

I ain't settlin'...

Ok, so I am way behind on my Blog as well as my questions of the day.  The last question I posed was something like, in your relationship, what is the one thing you would not compromise or settle on?  There were some great ones, like who you could or could not be friends with, family comes first, raising the kids, physical abuse, cheating, someone who doesn’t want to work, honesty, and respect to name a few. 

The reason that I asked this is because I refuse to settle.  So I guess I have accepted that I will probably be single for the rest of my ever loving life.  Let’s be honest, I fear commitment.  It makes me sick to my stomach.  The bar was a HUGE commitment and it damn near killed me.  I refuse to buy a house, because God forbid I sign a contract requiring me to STAY somewhere.  Yes, I know I can sell the house; people do it every single day.  But if I were to buy a house it take away my complete and utter ability, that I currently have, to pack up my shit tomorrow and go across the country if I wanted.  Commitment of any kind, but especially of the relationship kind freaks me out.  The last one I made regarding a personal relationship obviously didn’t end well for me and well, I haven’t been in one since.  And I refuse to be.  I don’t trust people.  Probably my biggest problem.  I mean who the hell can PROMISE you forever.  None of us can promise forever.  Obviously everyone that gets married or belongs to a committed relationship has some faith that it does mean forever and that that person is being honest with you about everything. 

I like my freedom.  If I want to go to bed at 7, I want to go to bed at 7.  If I want to drink beer after work, I want to do so.  If I want to leave on a Friday morning to go out of town for the weekend, I don’t want to have to coordinate that with someone else.  I just want to go.  I don’t want to have to be home at a certain time to make “supper.”  I like having to answer to NO ONE.  Now, with that being said, I am a hopeless, hopeless romantic.  When I am in a relationship, I adore it.  I adore the responsibilities that come along with it.  The compromises one has to make to make it work, because it is a lot of work.  I refuse to be in a relationship without communication…probably because by nature I am a communicator.  If that person is crabby or whatever, they just need to ask for space…but ignoring me just pisses me off.  I don’t have to know exactly what is wrong, cause sometimes not even I know when something is wrong with myself, but I damn sure know how to say, hey, leave me alone, I am not in the mind to visit.  I find this so simple, most people don’t. 

Bottom line, I cannot, and will not, be with someone who cannot communicate.  It is so vital to me.  Vital…like breathing.  I want to talk about my day and I want to hear about theirs.  If they are not happy, I want to know.  If they are happy, I want to know.  If they need space, say so.  To be honest, if I had to list all the things I will not settle or compromise (like my individuality, it stays intact, I don’t care who you are) but at the top is communication.  I must have it. 

I will just let Sugarland carry this one out...hit it guys...

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