Here is a startling fact for you. And depending on what age you are, this
tidbit of information gets worse as you get older. Everyone has a secret. If that wasn’t enough, everyone actually has
a secret that would break your heart.
Well, maybe just mine, as I am not like most people. And when I say that what I mean is that I
have this insanely stupid faith in people.
Insanely. Stupid. Perhaps I am really just naïve and it has
nothing to do with faith at all? I can
seriously look at most people, except for the blatantly obvious ones you know suck right away, and instantly
give them the benefit of the doubt. Do I
have secrets? Sure, who doesn’t? But I can honestly say that my keeping these
secrets is NOT HURTING anyone else but me. Meaning, no one else’s life will change as a result of knowing
them. At least it shouldn’t.
The point of this rubbish is, “what if God was one of us?” Seriously.
Ok, so you don’t believe in God, ok, you can stop reading the post now…this
post isn’t about that. I was born and
raised Catholic. I do believe in a
higher power. I have a lot of questions
about faith, religion, God in general, but my question for right now, this
second is simple. What. If. God. Was.
One. Of. Us? This questions poses a HUGE
PROBLEM FOR ME. HUGE. I will tell you why.
I can understand to some degree, God coming to us in the form
of a needy person, homeless, whatever, or just someone who needs help. And it is our choice to help them. If I walk away without helping them I
personally walk away wondering what if that was my test? And I just miserably failed? I
feel that way about a child, an animal.
God doesn’t have to arrive in adult form.
My problem with this is what if God was one of us and that
person is someone who hurts you, or lies to you, or cheats on you, or
whatever? In some way harms you. Physically, mentally, emotionally,
whatever? Then what is the lesson to be
learned? To remove that person from your
life? They say everyone comes into our
lives for a reason…
I believe I have completely confused myself. I don’t know how many people I know follow
that philosophy, “what if God was one of us.”
Maybe fewer people than I realize.
I just know I treat people the way I want to be
treated. And with respect. Until they do something that directly affects
me. And when I lose respect for someone,
I honestly cannot repair that. Am I the
only one who has this problem?
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