People make me laugh. Sometimes. Sometimes they make me cry. Sometimes they piss me off. Sometimes they make me sick to my stomach. But mostly, I laugh, because I am never more amazed at the stories some people create based on having no actual facts. Totally missing the boat if they don't volunteer to read to children at the library! It has to be tiring though, coming up with a story? Me? I just go to the source...(Emily you will appreciate that) because if I want to know something why not ask the person themselves?
Anyway, the stories about why I moved out of Dad's house are cracking me up. So let me just set the record straight, so everyone can get back to focusing on the task at hand, which is the upcoming Holidays, and not worrying about me!
Just the facts...
The decision to move was not sudden. Actually I was thinking about it 13 years ago when I moved home. For a million reasons, I remained in the house...however it wasn't healthy, not for me. Approximately 2 months ago I inquired about this house and in all actuality is was not available, so I moved forward with getting interviews in Minnesota. That didn't work out. I inquired about the house again a couple weeks ago and it was available. No more and no less than that.
Dad DID know I was moving. He is aware that I am no longer there. His not being present when I left was purely a coincidence.
There was no major blow out with Dad or any other member of the family. This should have happened a very very long time ago. A very large part of me stayed there because I didn't want to commit and if I did, I anticipated it would be out of state. I finally jumped at an opportunity that presented itself. The timing was perfect.
I did not buy the house, I am renting, from probably the two best landlords I have ever had in my life.
No one gave me $ to move, I have done this all on my own. And contrary to popular belief or whatever may have come out of my fathers mouth at any point in time, his monthly expenses are not going to drastically decrease because I am no longer there. I didn't cost him a fortune by living there. I am guessing all his bills will remain the same.
I still have my job with Sister. My "commute" is 20 minutes. I personally know of others who drive a helluva lot farther than that...and it's not a big deal. I still take Dalton and Kolbie to school who happen to appreciate that the car is nice and toasty warm when they get in it now!
Brodie is adjusting just fine. I am increasing his meds until he gets comfortable, which he actually is doing better than anticipated, but mostly I think he senses my peace and happiness, which in turn makes it easier for both of us.
I did feel a sense of obligation to remain with Dad after the divorce, because frankly the man doesn't like being alone, but after my return home from Minnesota it was damn well past time for me to start worrying about myself...and it is a decision I should have made a very long time ago.
I have no idea how my brother feels about it or frankly if he even knows...we haven't discussed it. Sister is super happy, but it was incredibly bittersweet for her...she will be fine. I am sure this will be the best for all of us.
I don't think there is anything else off the top of my head that I need to confirm, but if something else comes up I will be sure to let everyone know.
Brodie and I absolutely love our new place. I think he needs a friend, perhaps a kitten, but for now, we are getting settled and enjoying having something to call our own. I have taken care of everyone else's needs for long enough, it's about us now...and to be brutally honest, I am at a peace I completely forgot existed or quite possibly have never even experienced.
Good for you and Congrats on your new place! Those nosey butt, story-spewing people should be paying attention to their own lives, families and business. If they put as much effort into their own affairs as they do in other people's, who knows what positive things they could accomplish! :)