Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Don't Come At Me...

There are a lot of things I care about that a lot of you don't know I care about.  And then some of you do.  Know that I care about these things.  And some of those things I don't talk about because it just creates drama that I do not want nor need in my life.  Like I specifically don't talk about politics or religion, but it is not because I don't care about them.  They personally infuriate me and to be honest I am not that educated about either to go spouting off about them.  People should believe what they want and follow who they want and act however they want.  That's why we were supposedly given the freedoms that we have today.  And to be honest, far more important people fight daily for those freedoms and are severely underpaid for them.  The amount of money we pay a professional athlete versus the man or the woman on the front line fighting for our right to watch that athlete without getting blown to pieces, is ass backwards if you ask me.  But no one has in fact...asked me.

Here is something I do care very very much about.  And I don't speak of it often, because if you know me it shouldn't need explained.  But sometimes it does.  I was reminded this morning by my Sister, that just because people don't believe what I believe, doesn't mean either one of us is wrong, and that I have to respect a persons right to not follow my beliefs.  And I do.  Usually.  IF you can show me and explain to me why you believe what you believe.  Because I am willing to defend my beliefs by explaining them to you.

The past few days have been monumental in terms of what is happening in the Human Rights Campaign.  Let us be real clear that HUMAN RIGHTS is simply DOES NOT JUST ENCOMPASS GAY's a thought that some day, some way, some how, all humans will be treated equally.  Gay, straight, bi, black, white, male, female.  So please, don't call what's happening right now at the Supreme Court level, a Gay Crusade.  It's one facet of the Human Rights campaign and just so happens to be the current focus.  Marriage Equality.  That a HUMAN deserves the right to marry any other HUMAN they so desire.  But please do not come at me with, if that happens, then people will be allowed to marry their pets next.  By saying something even remotely like that, you describe yourself in ways no action ever needs to.

I do not disrespect people who want the definition of marriage to stay what it is.  You are entitled to feel that way.  But please don't come at with the union of a same sex couple will ruin the "sanctity" of marriage.  Straight people do that daily all by themselves.  Honestly don't come at me with that phrase at all.

I do not disrespect people who's life is guided by the Bible.  I have personally never met anyone in my lifetime that has read it cover to cover.  So please don't come at me with "excerpts" of it which clearly shows that God and Jesus hates gays.  Or that we are an abomination.  Because that would mean you haven't read all of the other stuff it says about not killing, not cheating, not lying, not wearing certain fabrics, not judging, etc. etc.  I have never read the entire Bible, so I sure as hell would never throw that book at someone.  It says a lot of things.

I do not give two shits about what you and your straight significant other, partner, boyfriend, girlfriend, husband and or wife, do in the privacy of your own bedroom.  So please don't come at me with what I do or how I feel or how I experience love is wrong and sick.  Unless I am having sex in the broad daylight, you have no need to care what I do, who I do it with, or how I do it.  If you think that is sick and wrong, I suggest you do some research on what happens to woman, children and even men, in OUR own country, who get sold as sex slaves.

I have never asked anyone, friends or family to embrace me or my choices.  If they couldn't or chose not to, we simply would not exist in one another's lives.  I will not force anything I feel down anybody's throats.  Just not how I roll.  What is happening right now in the Supreme Court is a big deal.  It is a big deal to me.  You do not have to embrace it as I am, you don't even have to like it.  I wouldn't choose to not associate with you if you did.  I would chose to not associate with you if you came at me with any of the above excuses.  Because to be honest, they don't hold a lot of water for me.

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