Friday, November 11, 2011


Today is kind of an important day in history.  We will not see this actual date for another hundred years.  I am not huge into astrology or numbers, well maybe, depends on the situation.  I don’t spend a lot of time and energy on it I should say.  But the mystical properties that surround this day are pretty interesting to say the very least.    I have included a link below that I think you may find interesting about all these elevens. 

I will tell you that I don’t think the world is going to end on 12-12-12, (which is the last time the date will be the same across the board until the next century.)  I know the Mayan calendar ends then but don’t you think they just got tired and stopped on a fun number?  I mean honestly, could the Mayans even imagine the year 2012?  There is no way they could have imagined the kind of world we currently live in.  20 years ago, the year 2000 anything seemed implausible, imagine all those catrabillion years ago.  That is not really a word, I made it up, but I love it.  I do though, I think they were all sitting around their little tablet or the big rock or whatever they built this calendar with and the guy carving said, “That’s it, I am done.  My hand hurts and this seems as good a number as any to stop on.  If those fools are still around then, let them carve a billion year calendar out of rock.”  I highly doubt he said, “Oh it will be so easy for them to just make one giant spreadsheet with Excel, send it to their IPhone and mass text it to all the calendar printing presses that are sure to be developed by then.”

Nothing really exciting has happened to me yet today, but the day is still young, so who knows.  I am hopeful that 11-11-11 becomes a day I will never forget but who knows.  I seem to only remember sad dates, so I am hoping to turn that around! 

Since this is such a lucky day and all, I shall just cross my fingers!  ; )