Monday, August 6, 2012


What is the one thing a person looks for in any relationship?  An intimate one, or a friendship, or with a co-worker, or just an employee/employer?  I don’t know about you, but I want reciprocation.  It’s not even tough.  Certainly not rocket science.  But apparently for some it is…just as hard as sending a rocket to the moon.  If I do something for you, it’s not because I THINK that you should reciprocate, it’s because I KNOW YOU SHOULD.  Give and take.  It’s what makes the world go around no?

I was raised to treat everyone the exact way I wanted to be treated.  No matter what.  No matter who.  No matter how.  No matter when.  So, if that is the case, how does a person like me, treat someone who has mistreated me?  Or for lack of a better word or explanation, someone who has been inconsiderate with my feelings?  I should walk away from that person.  That person should not have any impact on my life right?  If they cannot be considerate with my feelings or treat with me respect, then why are they even in my life?  Interesting philosophy and sounds like a great plan, except we all know that isn’t so.  We all leave far too many people in our lives that can somehow, someway, suck the living breathing life right out of us.  And just about when we think they may just in fact completely do just that, take the life right out of you, they breathe a little bit of life back in and you are convinced they will turn it around and be the person you want them to be.   Well guess what Tiffany and anyone else out there who is listening, you can’t make a person into someone you want them to be.  They either are or they aren’t…you can try, I suppose and you may as well beat your head against the wall while you are at it.

I have expectations, obviously a lot of them.  And apparently that is what is wrong with me.  I expect people to be kind and decent and thoughtful.  Well, it just doesn’t work that way, so you would think instead of constantly, continuously sitting there and waiting for the one thing that is NEVER going to happen, wouldn’t my time best be spent on people who are kind, decent and thoughtful?   

I am tired of being disappointed.  But perhaps I am more tired that I expect that it shouldn't keep happening.  So if you have any suggestions on how to expect NOTHING, from ANYONE, I will take them.

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