Wednesday, March 21, 2012

You're Welcome...

I posed a question yesterday that I honestly had never really considered until I read someone else question it.  I asked my FB friends what their first response was to the words “Thank You.”  I guess you never really think about it until someone says it and frankly, as a society we do not thank one another enough. 

I am going to come clean and let you all know I also Twitter.  Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest…my list of social media connections continues to get longer and longer, but whatever.  Every night before I can fall asleep, because I have OCD, I read my Twitter feed and USA Today.  I am not ashamed to admit it is how I stay connected to the outside world.  I am completely addicted to The Huffington Post which is basically an Internet News Paper.  I suppose I secretly (well not so much now that you all know) want to write for this organization someday.  It is a veritable plethora of news, mind blowing actually…too much to take in at one time, so Twitter breaks it down for me and then I can save the articles I want to read before I close my eyes at night.  

ANYWAY, I follow all kinds of important (well to me) people on Twitter, for all kinds of reasons, but one of the people I follow is Bette Midler.  Yes Bette Midler.  Sorry but I fell in love with her after the movie Beaches.  Truly, one of the best movies ever.  And I adored her in The First Wives Club, but anyway…I follow her.  Yesterday she posted this: People: when someone says "Thank you", the proper response is "You're welcome", not "No problem", or worse, "Not a problem". Pls RT global.  I had to laugh, because she was pretty passionate about it.  And because it made me question what my response is to that statement.  Personally?  I think 90% of the time I say, “You bet.” And I got that from my years in Minnesota…just ask a Minnesotan…it’s pretty much the standard response for anything you say to them. 

So really, this blog is twofold.  First, we don’t say Thank You enough as it is and apparently when a person does, it is “proper” to respond with “you’re welcome.”  Well, proper according to Bette Midler anyway, but it for sure causes you to pause and think about your answer.  Well it did me. 

Thank you to all of my peeps that responded I loved your answers!  If you said you’re welcome, you WIN!  No, I think it’s personal, how you respond, can be different depending on what the person is thanking you for, but nonetheless it made me think about it.  And it was VERY interesting to me to see which of you said you’re welcome.  Interesting because I think our responses completely depend on how we were raised, which could also create an entirely different blog altogether, but I think it really does depend on what was status quo in our own households.  We live in a world where right now I would say the majority of us think that the world “owes us” something…we do not do nice things because we want to or because we are nice people, we do them and then wonder what we will get back from it…what do I get in return kind of thing…which is sad.

I would imagine the next time someone says Thank You, I will definitely take a second to think about it and try NOT to say you bet…

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