Thursday, January 10, 2013

Some people's kids...

Some people’s kids…

When around other people’s children do you correct them if the parent/guardian is around?  Do you mind your own business; would you want others to correct your own?  This is a tough question because there are so many variables.

I do not work in nor have I ever, an environment that involves children.  When I did, I had a manager for that department.  To this day she is still taking care of kids and does a damn good job of it.  I have said this once and I will say it again, we are taught, we LEARN how to act.  A majority of our behaviors are learned.  We are products of our environments.  Having said that, I would be willing to bet that a majority of ill behaved children do not get the discipline they need at home.  Maybe they get no attention at all which is the reason for the behavior.  I am not naïve enough to realize that there are certain times, certain occasions where this is not the case.  For instance Autistic children, they have their own agenda and it can be incredibly difficult for a parent to rein that in.  This is why it is kind of important to understand or know the situation before something is assumed. 

If what the child is doing or saying doesn’t directly affect me or whoever I am with, I will probably shut my mouth.  There have been a couple times in my life when I have commented to a child who I thought made inappropriate comments or behaved inappropriately and it had absolutely nothing to do with me.  And I did so because I was so overcome with the action that I had no other choice…it was instinct, like with adults, if I don’t agree with something I tend to be pretty vocal about it.  Most children that I am or have been around, I know their parents well enough to know what they would or would not tolerate, so if I comment or react it is because I know damn well that is not how they were raised.  AND if in the event they were, then I am killing two birds by commenting with the parent present.  So then everyone can know how I feel. 

I have issues with kids in public who are screaming.  And whose parents are blatantly ignoring them.  I know that certain events take place and that it is not always possible to go into a public setting with a well behaved kid, but I guess if it were me, I would leave.  Or remove the child.  Or whatever.  I know people who have been shopping and seriously just leave their cart and walk away.  I also know I don’t always know the circumstances, but in my experience ignoring a screaming child does not make them stop screaming. 

As much as parents don’t enjoy hearing that their child is misbehaving, sometimes it is nice to be told when they are well behaved.  I can honestly say right now that Kelli Hand, you have some of the most respectful, polite, considerate children I have ever come across.  It speaks volumes about you.  And I guess Jeremy…but mostly you!

This is a toughie.  Too many things to consider.  Too many things to know.  Too many variables.  But I can tell you speaking from personal experience, ill behaved children are a pet peeve of mine.  HUGE.  And I think we all know when a child is misbehaving.  I think probably one of the worst is when you are trying to talk to someone and the child consistently interrupts…that’s a doozy…anyway…I think this easily has to be dealt with on a situation by situation basis. 

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