Wednesday, May 1, 2013

It takes a Village...

Tripping my trigger...Flipping my switch, getting my goat, frosting my cake, pissing me off, whatever you want to call it, it happens.  To us all.  Something.  At any moment, at any time, on any God given day.  I don't expect it, sometimes it just happens.  And sometimes its dumb and not worth my time or my writing and sometimes I just need to write so I can get it out of the space that it occupies in my head.  It has never been said that I would write the book on how to make friends and influence people, but this is MY venue and I am free to use it how I will.  So...consider yourselves warned.

My former bar is set to re-open soon under new ownership, which will be the 3rd since I closed.  I do not profess to have known the secret to running a good business.  I made a lot of mistakes.  Daily.  Just ask Sister.  She will tell you all of them in detail.  No one was harder on me then myself.  Anyway, the fact that it's the 3rd since I closed has no bearing on my feelings.  Or who it is.  Or where they are from.  Or what they have done.  Or who they know. get the idea.  I RESPECT anyone who attempts to run their own business, whatever it may be, but I am particularly fond of this type of business because I myself tried.  It is so so so so so very easy to sit on that bar stool and critique an owner, and I accepted all criticism but I paid most attention to those who had either ran their own business or that type.  If you hadn't and you still criticized me, then I considered you a "backseat driver."  No one can drive as good as the actual driver.  And if you weren't driving then you are usually the first to complain...anyway.  Back to RESPECT...

KUDOS to anyone who tries.  ANYONE.  And in whatever way they want.  You can give a person all of the tips and tricks you want, but everyone has to learn what works best for them.  I offered my assistance to both owners who took over after I did, because I had been there and I am personal friends with them both.  Sally saved my life.  I have never made that a secret.  She allowed me to get on with my life and I will never forget her for that.

Maquon is NOT an easy venue to run a business.  Despite its location right on a heavily trafficked road, the community itself is pretty picky about who and what they will support.  There were a lot of people that I would have expected to patronize my business, who did not, and although I always wondered why, to each their own, everyone is free to choose where to go and spend their money.  It could have been because they didn't like my name, my family, my personality, my sexuality, the food, the service, the employees...whatever, it would have killed me trying to figure it out, because I do NOT like when people don't like me, so I just focused on the business and making it the best place it could be for those that did support me.  I think the only thing that ever pissed me off about "why" people wouldn't come is because it was "a gay bar."  Ummm, yeah, about the furthest from it.  But whatever, you can't fix stupid.

Not only is it hard to run a business in Maquon even when you are born and raised there, but it's as much if not ten times more difficult when you are NOT from there.  It's hard to explain, but it's the way the village has always been.  Regardless, that bar will do well if it can accomplish ONE THING.  Consistency.  Consistent hours, consistently good customer service, and consistently good food.  Was mine all of those things all the time?  Hell no.  We were lucky if we could get two at the same time.  It's not easy to do...but it is what we strived for daily.  I blame no one but myself for my failing in those three things.  It is easy to lose your way when you stop caring.  I had some major personal issues happen while owning it and I allowed them to control my life, which ultimately was the demise of those three things I listed above.

My trigger was tripped when for the past week at the very mention of the place re-opening, all I have heard is that it is going to be boycotted.  That people are being physically told not to support it.  I have no idea if that is true or not, but if it is?  Well, then you have opened up Pandora's box with me.

As I said, I don't know if this is another rumor that somehow gains perpetual motion via spreading it, or if there is any truth to it or not, but I can say this...WHY?  As a former owner I RESPECT and APPRECIATE anyone who tries it.  And more power to you if you can make it a success.  I will be incredibly jealous.  Not because I couldn't or didn't give it a damn good try, but because it takes a passion and a drive that I lost along the way and I miss it.  But why would you purposely not want people to do well?  I don't get it.  And if that is what is being said and people abide by it, well, then I guess that is your own business but don't expect that from me.  I am a grown ass woman.  I make my own decisions.  And pay my own if the 3 laws of Ernie don't apply, I am sorry but Fuck Off.  Unless you affect my family, pay my bills or I sleep with you, you don't get to tell me what to do.  If it is true, and I do go and give them my business, it sounds like I will be losing some friends...are they really though if that is the case?

I don't get it.  I just don't.  Again...I am not saying this is actually the truth, I am saying if it is, I don't condone it.  Life is hard enough.  The world is hard enough.  Everyone should have a chance to make their own way.  Why take that away from someone?  Why sabotage it, if it has nothing to do with you?  What would their lack of success do for you personally?  I can't wrap my hands around how whether if they do poorly or if they do well, how it can affect any individual unless they have a financially vested interest in the place.

Either way.  They will get my business, until they give me a reason not to.  That place will hold a special place in my heart for as long as my heart is beating.  No one can take that away or change that.  I want to see it do well.  I want to see the people who try, do well.  I want anyone who TRIES anything once to do well.  That alone is more than most people are willing to put on the line.

I don't profess to know what happened with either of the previous owners, why they got out, or what caused them to, or any of that, it is none of my business, it became NONE of my business when I SOLD my business.  I make my own decisions and form my own opinions about who and where I spend my money.  The money I earn.  The money that I get up and make every single day, by myself.

So with that, Dawn and Steve, you have my best wishes on your new endeavor   It will not be easy.  It's back breaking, pain staking work.  It's thankless a lot of times.  It has many rewards as well.  Be good to people and people will be good to you back.  Well, they should be...But you will have my support until you give me a reason why you shouldn't.  Regardless of how you do it, it takes a Village.  In more ways then you will realize.

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