With that being said. My oldest niece graduates next week. Today is her last day of High School. If you knew how hard it was to raise this child, you would understand the magnitude of this day. And I can say that because I did help raise her. In more ways then just babysitting her.
If you do not know Isabella Marie Boyer personally, its doubtful any of this will make sense. But it should still be a great read. And yes I have already written to her a couple times with my advice but really, can an Aunt ever give TOO much advice?
She remains to this day, probably to this moment, the most stubborn hard-headed little creature I have ever met. Like when a child is created they obviously get the best and worst of both of their parents. She did. And multiplied. It has been her way or the highway since she was old enough to smile. None of that has changed. She is feisty, she is temperamental, she is obstinate, she is ballsy, she is independent, she is extremely stuck in her ways, she is an individual, she is just her. Of all of the people I have ever met in my life, she is probably one of the very few who took the products of her environment and instead of allowing them to "form and mold" her, she refused to be changed. It sounds like someone else I know, but to compare our battles would be futile because they will never be the same.
So Bella, on this your last day of HS, I can say a few things. This is just a chapter in your book dear. There will be many new ones. Take the advice or leave it. You know enough about your Aunt to know that I will say it anyway...I don't claim to ever be right or wrong, I just claim that everyone will always know how I feel.
Here goes...
- There will be a day soon, sooner than you think, that you will wish you hadn't wished these past 4 years away. I don't know when, and I don't know why, but now is when the hard stuff begins.
- People are cruel. Vindictive, hurtful, mean. They are everywhere and you can't run from them. It doesn't matter how far "you go" you will find more. Just know that, because it won't change after HS.
- The next 4 years or however long it takes to accomplish your current goal, are going to be the best. I still look back today and wish I could back to college and that "time" in my life. You have freedom, but you still have roots. Only you can determine how much freedom and only you can decide how much you need of your roots to continue to keep you grounded.
- Be who YOU want to be. Not what you think others want you to be. If you begin a degree and you don't like it, change it.
- Be nice. Be polite. Be kind. Be open. Listen. Embrace. Laugh. Cry. Throw things. Punch a bag, go for a walk, ride a bike, go fishing. I don't think I have to tell you any of this, because you already do.
- Friends come and go. Good friends come and go. If you can believe in, have faith in, and trust just a few, then you are rich beyond years. YOU DON'T NEED ANYONE to validate that.
- You will learn and really soon, that having "things" doesn't necessarily make a person happy. It just means you have a lot of things.
- You will be successful and happy as long as you don't get in your own damn way. Don't depend on someone else to get those things for you...because you will be severely disappointed.
- And speaking of, people will disappoint you daily. Including your parents and family. It happens...part of the cycle. Try not to have expectations. I would love to tell you it is easy but I myself haven't mastered that. Just try.
I could go on and on and on and on, but just remember to take care of you. The older you get the more you will realize that YOU are all that will take care of you. You will understand what that means some day. And change your attitude...if you go into a day shitty and pissy, the world will hand that to you on silver platter. I know, I have them about once a week. I am not telling you how to live your life, I am telling you all the things I wish I would have learned when I was your age.
Give someone your heart when you are ready. And be prepared for them to hurt you, cause it will happen and it won't be the first time...but give it to them when you are ready...not a minute before. And speaking of that, you don't need to bother with any of that nonsense if you don't have love for and believe in yourself. If those two things don't exist, carry on, you won't meet anyone anyway...the sexiest thing you can wear is your confidence, but don't just wear it, live it. And I promise love will follow. The right love.
I will be sad next Friday when you walk across the stage because A)it makes me feel old, and B)I never dreamed we would get you here.
I love you to the moon and back, infinity and beyond.
And please, never, ever, ever, ever, forget....
Once in awhile, blow your own damn mind.
Love Aunt Tiff...
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