The windows to the soul...
Yes the eyes. They
are and anyone who thinks they are not, well, apparently doesn’t have a soul
themselves. Just kidding…the most
physically attractive thing to ME about another human being would be their
eyes. Hands being a close second. But you can tell everything you need to know
about a person by their eyes.
Everything. They tell you when a
person is happy, sad, mad, hurt, down, elated, angry. I have a hard time with people who are able
to block emotions through their eyes. I
don’t know many people who can, but some can and those people scare me. I also have issue with people who won’t look
at me when they are talking to me. LOOK
AT ME. I am not horrible to look at.
This question of the day lead to a tremendous amount of
responses. I was overwhelmed
really. And I would say the majority of
people said eyes. Which also overwhelms
me because we live in a society where our appearance MEANS everything. I don’t care who you are, a person could have
the most beautiful eyes in the world, and immediately our own eyes would look
elsewhere. If that person would be 50#
overweight, suddenly those eyes aren’t so beautiful. I consider myself in the minority where this
is concerned, because I do not see size.
The eyes are the very first thing I see when I look at
someone. I don’t see weight, or height,
or shape or size or even their sex. I
see their eyes. I am not saying those
other things do not come shortly after that.
I know some really ugly people who have beautiful, beautiful eyes. Which is unfair because that should not
happen, but it does. Not so beautiful
people, somehow get blessed with beautiful features.
Jody doesn’t read my blog, so I can call him out on this,
but interestingly, we both enjoy going to dinner together and people
watching…the last time we went out we both agreed there was something very
“simply attractive” about our waitress…I said, yes, she has beautiful eyes…his
response?, “she has eyes?” So,
yeah…apples and oranges there, but it was funny.
The fact that so many people responded eyes shocked me
really. Because the next time you are
somewhere and you notice someone, see if you can remember what color their eyes
are. Teeth and smile were next. It’s obvious the first thing we notice is a person’s
face, but I was surprised to see that people do distinguish between those main
Since I wear my heart on my sleeve and I am already so
transparent, it should come as no surprise that my eyes tell you everything
else you need to know. Check them out
sometime. I think the nicest compliment
I ever received about them were that they were as precious as puppy dog
eyes. I would venture a guess that most
people don’t even know what color my eyes are.
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