Friday, April 6, 2012

On Life Lessons...

A life lesson I have learned…

Oh my hell.  I don’t have a big enough space to put all the things down that I have learned.  I have learned so much.  I think acknowledging that is half of the battle, don’t you?  That you have learned something, anything at all?

As I expected, the responses included saying I love you before it’s too late.  But interestingly there were so many different ones.  Ones I honestly didn’t expect, but ultimately loved.  Such as:

Take care of your own
Celebrate the good choices, don’t worry about the bad ones
To listen more than talk
Never put your keys in the same place
Measure twice, cut once
It’s ok to have obsessions and own them
The problem is not at the bottom of the beer can

Obviously there were many more…but these weren’t ones I expected I guess.

Seriously…I have so many, I don’t even know which one to use.  I guess I have two major lessons.  My Grandma Rosie used the first one so frequently that it stuck and it stuck so much I had it tattooed on my leg, in case I ever forget.  “This too shall pass.”  And she was right, no matter what it is, no matter how it happens, no matter when it happens, whatever it is, it passes.  It really can be good and bad things it doesn’t have to apply to strictly bad things or problems.   

The other thing I have learned is that everything will be ok in the end.  If it’s not ok, it’s not the end. 

I think the most important thing is to be open to learning a lesson.  Any lesson.  Whatever it may be.  The lesson may be hard to swallow, it may hurt, it may be the best lesson we ever get, but being willing to accept it and embrace it is paramount.

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