Monday, April 30, 2012

On pet peeves...

I think the biggest response I have ever had to a question of the day, was last Friday.  The question?  What is your biggest pet peeve?  I think sometimes people just want you to ask them how they feel about something and it opens the doors.  An invitation as such.  Even though I write a blog pretty much 5 days a week, I am human, I love being asked how I feel about something.  Because even though you pretty much know how I feel about EVERYTHING, there are things I wish people would ask me.  I probably don’t get asked because maybe people don’t want to know the answer.  Who knows?  The bottom line is this question got a lot of responses.  And most of us do not just have one.

I hate liars.  I don’t look at that as much as a pet peeve though as a major character flaw.  People that are different around different people.  Again, not so much a pet peeve as a character flaw.  It has to be hard to be so many different people.  How do you keep track of them all?  And who is supposed to be who when?  There were a lot of people who didn’t like Christmas lights up past a certain time.  I don’t know that that is so much a pet peeve as a joke.  But whatever.  I am supposed to be answering this question.

I really hate when you are on the phone with someone, and someone else is standing next to you telling you what to ask and say to the person on the phone.  Call them yourself for the love.  I don’t like being the middle man.  People who cannot drive at the very minimum, the speed limit as posted.  Arrogance.  We have no need to be the arrogant assholes that some of us can be, but yet, some people love it.  People that order multiple orders in the drive-thru.  People who don’t take a cart in from the cart corral, but instead, walk past 100 carts to go get one inside.  REALLY?  God we are a lazy society.  People who are perfectly capable of walking but insist on parking as close to the front door of a business as possible.  Dirty hands (when there is no reason and on a perfectly clean person.)  I am obsessed with clean hands…dirty hands I just can’t see the point of them.  I hate dishes in a sink.  They make these cool little gadgets now where you can have just enough soap to wash that one dish, you don’t have to run water…so use it and just do it.  Putting stuff back in the fridge that is blatantly completely empty, butter dish, milk, juice.  Jesus, use the last bit and be done with it. 

I just realized that I can make this list go on all night…I will stop there…those are probably my biggest ones.  There are a lot of things that bother me but I don’t know that I would call them pet peeves, as much as I would call them life requirements.  Like wet towel on the floor?  JUST PICK IT UP AND HANG IT.

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