Tuesday, March 5, 2013

I've Outgrown You...

What makes you read this blog?  Is it the title?  Is it word of mouth?  Is it the Facebook notice?  The content?

If you read my stats page you would see that the majority of the blogs read are either ones that cause controversy or ones that are pretty heartfelt...my letter to Bella, my book about Molly, etc.  So if you are the writer of the blog you would basically see that people either want you to start shit, or make them cry.  

Well, I am not always able to do that.  I generally only "start shit" if its something I feel passionate about.  And there are a couple things that I am extremely passionate about, but I don't feel like "going there?"  For instance religion.  The President.  Sexuality.  Raising children.  Etc.  But interestingly enough they are the ones that people want to read.

I do not consider myself a pot stirrer...I guess some people may think I am, but I do not see that in myself.  I know a lot of people that are, but I do not see that in me.  Now, before you say I am stereotyping, I do not think all "pot stirrers" are doing it to "start shit."  Does that make sense?  Sometimes people start something just to get a conversation going about something.  I would say most pot stirrers have intentions of getting a whole bunch of people pissed off at one another.  But not always.  Anyway, I try to steer clear of those types.  Mostly because 99% of the time that crap isn't any of my business either.  

But really this blog is about one thing and one thing only.  And all that rubbish before was just filler I guess, because these two things are not even really related.  I want to pose a question.  

What do you do when you outgrow someone?  Most importantly, someone you consider a friend.

Now.  Hang on.  I don't mean, you grow up, you go your separate ways, one of you has children, the other does not, one works full time, the other is a full time mom kind of outgrow.  I am not even talking about when you realize a friend doesn't share your same beliefs anymore or never really did.  I am talking about when you look at someone, someone you have called a friend, for no matter how long.  Someone you hung out with, partied with, dined with, vacationed with, road tripped with, whatever...it doesn't matter how long you have known each other or how much you have done together.  But when you look at a person and say to yourself, self, this person no longer fits or fills my needs.

Have you ever outgrown someone?  Is it just me?  This is kind of a hard thing to explain.  But you look at a person and you think what they are bringing to the table is something you no longer want, need or desire?  I don't know that either one actually changed, but something changed.  For example, I know that some people choose to not be around certain people when they are drunk.  I for one used to be a really obnoxious drunk.  I will gladly admit it and so would others.  But I also drank to cope.  With whatever.  It was for all the wrong reasons.  I am not saying for instance that you are having a party and you say oh, I can't invite so and so because they will get out of control, yada yada yada.  I am saying you look at this human being and when they speak, it's like nails on a chalkboard.  Sometimes when they breathe.  And why?  Was it always that way and you never paid attention?  Was there a turning point?

Regardless of what caused the outgrowing, what do you do?  Do you just ignore them?  Do you tell them?  Do you just remove yourself from their lives?  I really want to know.  And I know we have all experienced this at some point in our lives.  

So...what do you do?

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting. I haven't encountered that situation yet.
