Wednesday, July 9, 2014

The Garden

I've always wanted a garden. No idea why. I spent some time in Gram Pearls picking berries. But I didn't plant anything. Planting stuff is hard. A lot of work. Takes a big commitment. And the elements? Man...A hard rain. A bad wind. A drought. Too many factors to take into consideration. And I have no freaking clue when to plant what and when. And there are so many things that can determine the outcome of it. Bugs and stuff. Varmints. I can't watch the thing for 24 hours for the love. I had a garden like that once. Almost killed me. Spray this. Don't spray that. What if it doesn't taste good?  What if it fails? Too much damn pressure if you ask me. 

So I told someone I've grown fond of recently...that I've always wanted to grow a garden. They say "why haven't you?"  Well? I don't want that kind of commitment. Why? What if it blows? "So what if it does?" Well that's a collosal waste of time and money. "So? How will you know if you don't try?" I don't want to try. "Why?"  Because I said so. 

Interestingly enough. I plant one every single day. Just didn't know it. And now the son of a buck is growing a shit ton of weeds. "So? Weed your garden." How do I do that!? "Very simple. Figure out what you want in there and what you don't. Are you planting filler? Ya know stuff to make it look pretty? Or is there really stuff in there you actually want and can use?"  Well hell. I'm not sure I "want" any of it. "Then weed it. Who is telling you you can't? It's yours. Did they help you plant it? Do they help you take care of it? Did they pay for it?"  Well, no. "Then plant a new one." I don't know how.  "But you do. You just aren't ready to stop planting stuff that doesn't actually harvest." 

If you are reading this, do me a favor. Take care of your own garden. Life is a lot simpler when you do. If you spend most of your time looking at the weeds in mine or those around you, chances are yours is turning into a giant pile of crap. You have no clue what it took to plant mine. As I do not yours. So just worry about yours. I will worry about mine. 

And it's going to be beautiful. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, good to hear from you again. Great writing as always.
