Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Dinner with Jesus...

Hi Dad. 

How are things? Doesn't sound like you're "there" yet. You keep showing up at Brothers poker table. And Sisters work today! Actually I think it's funny. They are not finding it nearly as funny as I am. 

I'm sorry about the house. I'm sorry about a lot of things but mostly the house right now. It's funny. When you pack things up. A funny thing happens to you. Not funny. Strange. 

Yes. That's how I wanted to describe it. Strange. We had never seen it empty. When you and Mom moved us there you had done all the moving before we got there. We had never seen it. Empty. 

Brother was outside cleaning out the garage. Sister and I did one more walk through to make sure we got everything. I walked into my old room and I heard laughter. Mine and Sisters. When we were little. And played tug of war across our twin beds. Always with my pajamas. I heard giggling. And I cried. What we didn't know then. I'm glad we didn't. 

Anyway. The Beans? I KNOW. They need to come out. If you weren't at Jarod's poker table you could have a chat with Mother Nature. You and her never really did get along though. So I'm sure you aren't real high on her list of appointments. Sorry. Just speaking the truth. We are working on it. I promise. Sister would rather have her toes in the sand. You know this Dad. 

Anyway. I went to Sisters last night for dinner and the Bears game. She had no idea they were playing the Packers. Eye yie yie. Anyway. We sat down to dinner while Cooter was on the phone. Earlier though Sister put a plate and service down at one chair. I thought, damn David is spoiled. Then I thought. Damn. She's setting a place for Dad. No idea why. You would not have enjoyed our dinner of chicken cordon bleu tortellini. You would've eaten it and said "it's alright. Not something I would want to eat every day." And we would say, ok, well you didn't have to cook. 

Cooter comes out rambling about who knows what, and I say here Sister got your plate out. And she looks me dead in the eye and says, "it's for Jesus."  I say excuse me? "Jesus. It's for Jesus." I say, "is he here?" She says, "you always set a place for Jesus." I say, "Sister. For real. Is he here?" It was a little freaky. She just rolled her eyes at me. 

A few minutes later Cooter comes up and grabs the plate. Jesus' plate. I thought for sure Sister was going to come up out of her chair. But she didn't. She just simply said "that was Jesus' plate." And Cooter said, "who?" And she just shook her head and said "Jesus. You were probably talking to him on the phone only to you he probably pronounced it "hey Seuss."  "He said, no Dee Dee. His name was David, he pronounced it as David."

Dad? I'm not sure if Jesus ever did get dinner last night. Or if you've seen him yet. But please tell him Sister tried to serve him last night. 

I miss you. And love you. 


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