Tuesday, December 31, 2013


I wish...
Starting a new year was like wiping a white board clean. A fresh canvas. With nothing on it. No marks. No blemishes. No scars. Just a blank page. And although it mostly is and can be, unfortunately you carry into the new year all the scars, baggage, blemishes from the years past. Yes you can choose to start fresh. Redesign yourself. Vow to make lifelong personal changes. But reality happens and well then, there you are again with a board full of stuff. 

I haven't had the worst year of my life. I haven't had the best. I've gained new friends, a fantastic new job, my own little place to call home. I've lost a few friends. Lost a job. Lost my childhood home. Oh and lost my father. 

But...a New Year does bring new hope. New faith. New beliefs. That things can and will change for the better. That life, no matter how trying and tumultuous it can be...it does go on. And it's a chance to start new again. 

I have no idea what this new year will bring. I hope a tremendous amount of peace and happiness. I personally have a feeling it is going to be a bumpy one, but maybe I'm wrong?

My whole entire life I have let my heart be my compass. No sense in starting a new way of thinking. It hasn't always pointed me in the right direction, but it's always remained true. 

Here's to whatever your compass may be. I wish you all a very a Happy and a Blessed New Year. 

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Opinions are like what?

If you know my relationship with my Sister, you will probably know that she asked me not to waste one minute of worry on what I'm about to blog about, and that I would probably blog about it anyway. The good news it's not a letter to my Dad. 

One of my blogs eons ago was about a show I truly loved. Duck Dynasty. I think I may have even blogged that I could spend a year in that show or something like that. It was a show I happened upon, came across accidentally. It kinda found me. I loved it. I didn't love it AS much when it went nuts and the whole world started talking about it and you could buy Duck Dynasty crap in every store in this land. And I mean every. The first season was and will always be my favorite. It was the least scripted and the most off the cuff and improv of them all. They have since become incredibly scripted and that to me ruins any show like that. That being said, I supported them. Loved what they stood for, their faith in Jesus, family values, etc. mostly that it still felt like they were wealthy and didn't flaunt it. Well, until you could buy a Duck Dynasty lighter at Casey's. And really, they don't necessarily flaunt it except for being invited to every awards show on the planet for reasons I will never know. 

Who cares right? They were multimillionaires before the show they will be after the show. And they were a gold mine for A&E. So honest to God who cares what Phil Robertson thinks about gays? He's entitled to his opinion. He is entitled to speak about it. He's entitled to shout it over mountain tops and wear poster boards to preach it. He can do whatever the hell he wants. And so can A&E, who pay him a delightful appearance fee just to show up places and be present. Money he never needed anyway. But that's not the point. You can't be pissed at A&E for suspending him. Because they are acting on their beliefs. I didn't say it was right. I am saying its contradictory to support his right to say it but not their right to act. I don't think it's a gay, racial, stereotypical move on A&E's part because frankly how many of that demographic watch the damn show? 

I can tell you this. My Ernie Johnson's three lessons in life. Phil Robertson is not my family nor does he affect my family in any way. I do not have to sleep with Phil Robertson. And lastly I'm not financing him nor is he me, so therefore, I give two shits less about his feelings about homosexuality. He does not affect me in the least. I don't care what religion you believe in, what God you pray to, what services you attend or what book you follow, I was not put on this earth to judge another human being or preach to them. So that is what I expect in return. If you think I'm going to hell because of my lifestyle, then you are free to think that. Because for the life of me I cannot figure out why anyone cares or how it affects them. I don't want to know what anyone does in the privacy of their home or wherever, so why should anyone be concerned about what I do?

I was not disappointed in his statement. Not at all shocked either. Not even in the least. I am glad he found Jesus and wants to preach his word. The Jesus I believe in never wanted any of this, nor did he judge. I will have my judgement day as will everyone else. And if I stand before God and his son and he tells me that my heart, my compassion, my honesty, my selflessness and all the other things I do for the good of others, meant nothing compared to who I chose to love, well then I've wasted a life time now haven't I? But only I have to deal with those consequences. Not you or anyone else. 

His words did not hurt me. In all honesty not many peoples do anymore.  A lot of my friends support him and his freedom to speak his opinions. No one respects that more than I. What did hurt? The number of friends that supported the context of his statements. And that's ok too. We are all entitled to believe what we want to believe. 

Opinions are like those one things...you know. Everyone has one. 

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Just. Say. It...

Click the link. You know you want to. 

When was the last time you took a good hard look at the way you treat people?

Are you a good friend? Are you a good person? 

I ask this because after the loss of my father people fade. You fade. You are different when you lose something. Who understands that better than someone who's lost someone/something? Hell no you will never be the same person. Do you want to be? What do you learn? How did you learn it?

This is what I have learned and only ME. I, being the most nonjudgemental person I know, judges. I'm not happy about it. At all. But I do. And it needs to stop. I don't mean the way most people think...race, color, religion, sexual preference...none of those things have ever, ever mattered to me. Ever. Not because of who I am either. The only thing that has ever mattered was how a person has treated me. Period. 

Who gives a flying shit who your parents were, or are? My whole life it was assumed mine were wealthy. Funny. Should have seen how many Swanson pot pies I had to swallow in my lifetime. And thank God Marie Callendar came through and changed children's lives forever. My point is....we weren't. Wealthy. Never have been. We all had jobs at 14-15 years old.  My point is I've been judged my whole life. Because of my last name. My sexuality. My whatever. Stop it. Everyone. Be a good friend or do not be one at all. Of course we were all raised different. Different circumstances. Different people. 

If you spend a good portion of your time demeaning someone, perhaps without even knowing you are doing it, STOP. Forget walking a mile in someone's shoes. Try to walk a mile in your own. Without looking at who else's shoes look, feel better, or cost more. Just don't. 
Just freaking walk. 

Hardest thing to do. Walk in your own shoes? Don't think so? Try doing so without analyzing another person place or thing.  Not easy. But when you do? It gets easier to breathe. Death has changed me. Life has changed me. I've been absent from a lot of people's lives since my fathers death. I didn't disappear. Well kind of. But I've been learning. Learning what it means to be a true person. Authentic. I thought I was before. I wasn't even close. 

I'm sorry. To any of you I have avoided. Or neglected. Or forgot. I just needed to be with me. 

I miss my father. Some days more than I will ever share with another living being including Brodie. So. Do me a favor? Be a better person. Be a better friend. Yes life is short. But you have one chance. So just damn say what you need to say. Please. 

Where are you Christmas...

Hi Dad-

Been a little while. Sorry. Haven't quite felt myself these days. I know it's strictly due to the fact that I am dreading Christmas. In ways I never dreamed I would. The first Christmas after Gram Rosie passed I thought it would be the worst. The Christmas after Molly passed was incredibly sad. The Christmas after you and Mom split I was positive I couldn't breathe. This Christmas? This Christmas I don't even know how to get to it. It's my favorite holiday. It was. Maybe it will be again someday. 

The house is empty. Gram is getting it cleaned up and updated. It's so hard to go to Maquon. Even to see Gram or go to Sisters. It literally sucks the life out of me. Which entirely ironic to me because it's where yours ended. 

The kids are good as far as I know. Percie is going through an incredible rough patch. She's still very much mourning you. And in the middle of that lost a new friend to a tragic incident that has really deeply affected her. I wish I could help her make sense of any of it. But I can't. I wish I could tell her it gets easier when you get older. But it just doesn't. I wish I could shield her and Ethan, Dalton and Kolbie from all things that cause sadness. I just can't. Sometimes I think it's why God chose for me NOT to become a parent. I think he knew I couldn't bear their heartbreak. I will never forget the day in the hospital this past 4th of July. When I found out no matter what, or how old I was (thank you Dr. Strunin for that reminder) that I would never be able to bear my own children, I told you this news. You grabbed my foot and said so matter of factly, "they ain't all they are cracked up to be." Which was your way of saying you were sorry. I wasn't happy that that choice was taken away from me. Nor was I happy when you were. 

I know this seems like I'm down and depressed but things are really going well. I love my job. Adore it. I'm making wonderful new friends. Went to my first Blick Christmas party. I had a great time. 

Gram just turned 87. Sister and I took her to lunch at Red Lobster and then shopping for a new recliner, which is something she's never had. Of course she found the one she loved within 5 minutes. Easiest sale of that mans life. We all went in and got her a new flat screen for Christmas for her upstairs living room. Yes we gave it to her early. Why not. She should enjoy every minute of it. 

I hope you are doing well wherever you are. I miss you. I will keep you posted on whether or not I find Christmas. 

I love you.

Where Are You Christmas-Faith Hill