Monday, August 3, 2015

21 Days After...

Many of you have asked so here you go...

The truth is...if you are just reading this and don't know anything about the 21 days I'm talking about you better go back and read the last blog. That will catch you up. 

The truth is...after the 21 days I felt like a different person. The Tiff who used to live in Minnesota. Who had boundless energy and motivation. And even that Tiff didn't come easy. 

The truth has now been officially 36 days and I feel like a slug. I want to blame it on making poor diet choices again but I'm not. I have reintroduced many of the things that were not allowed on the cleanse but these were reintroduced slowly and methodically. They were not all done at once either. If I had meat that was all. No bread or dairy or sugar. Now, I'm not going to say their hasn't been the occasional picnic where I've had a burger or some pasta salad or whatever but I've truly kept it pretty clean. Aside from those moments 98% of the time I'm eating organic. Grass-fed and antibiotic free meat, chicken, eggs etc., very little dairy, but what dairy I have eaten has been whole fat and natural not processed. Still eating tons of fruits and vegetables. Still consuming copious amounts of water. I've pretty much given up beer. ME. RIGHT? I had a few on my trip and some fruity rum drinks but I was too busy moving to stop and get intoxicated. 

For all intents and purposes I have followed this to the t. Dotted my i's. But on the Monday upon returning from my trip I got a migraine that took 3 days to pass. I have not felt good since. I'm trying to basically go back to eating like I'm on the cleanse and see where that takes me. But I've had no energy. I feel completely drained. I will say this past weekend I was emotionally drained which plays a HUGE part in the whole remaining healthy process but I was hoping to be so far ahead of the game that it would be ok. 

My conundrum here, if that's the right word; is that this journey was not an easy one to take. But having completed it I felt accomplished! Alive. Well. I had made it. And I would continue it. And then I hit a wall. I'm damn tired of hitting walls. My whole life has been a wall. From the time I was 7. One obstacle after another. Have I overcome them? Yes most. My mom would say all. But I'm tired of having to overcome anything. Why is this easy for some and so damn hard for others. Why do some people have nascar metabolisms and mine died the day I broke my back. There are questions I will never have answers to and if you know me at all you will know I HATE NOT HAVING ANSWERS. 

The truth is...I'm currently bummed. But I'm holding out faith it will turn a corner and I will get back on track. My issue is I don't know where I got off track. Coming back? My heart is at peace on the ocean. Any large body of water. Perhaps it needs to go there and stay. 

I have a tremendous amount of respect for any of you going through any lifestyle change because it's a lot of work reinventing yourself. Or getting back to who you once were. It's a lot of work and the truth is...some of it is not always rewarding. Some of it sucks. And sometimes you have to push through when you feel like you are sinking in quicksand.

So there you have it. The truth is...I've hit a rough patch. But thankfully, the truth is...this too shall pass. 


  1. I typed this out once and it didn't save. Will try again. I enjoyed your posts from vacation. It is hard to come home from a place that makes you so happy and feel so good. I to have introduced new stuff and can't necessarily decide what makes you feel how. But the important thing to remember here is the one or two or few degrees of change we have made and the impact that will have on our near and far future. I still do the shakes for breakfast and that reminds me if where we were. I pray for you my friend that wall will come down soon and you will find relief and energy again. It was great sharing in our group. I'd you want to meet for lunch or to visit message me. Take care and do keep the faith. Debbie

  2. I typed this out once and it didn't save. Will try again. I enjoyed your posts from vacation. It is hard to come home from a place that makes you so happy and feel so good. I to have introduced new stuff and can't necessarily decide what makes you feel how. But the important thing to remember here is the one or two or few degrees of change we have made and the impact that will have on our near and far future. I still do the shakes for breakfast and that reminds me if where we were. I pray for you my friend that wall will come down soon and you will find relief and energy again. It was great sharing in our group. I'd you want to meet for lunch or to visit message me. Take care and do keep the faith. Debbie
