Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Just be yourself...

If you could be anyone for a day, who would it be and why?  I loved this question.  As usual I got some really good responses.  Melissa, I loved that you wanted to be your son so you could see life through his eyes for the day.  Geri, your husband…Natalie wanted to be a pioneer woman, very interesting!  Some of you wanted to be your pets, which would also be awesome because, well, they have a pretty easy job if you ask me.  And some of you were totally content with yourselves.  Which is totally awesome.

I had a hard time with this question.  A really hard time.  There are so many people I would love to be for just a day.  I would love to be the person who finds the cure for cancer.  I would love to be the person that broke my heart so I could understand why they did it.  I would love to be Brodie (my dog) so I could truly feel unconditional love.  I would love to be the person that tells the couple who has been trying forever to have a baby, that they are finally going to.  I would love to be the Dr. that saved a life.  I would love to be Guy Fieri so I could host Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives.

We all, at some point in our lives, wish we were someone else. We all, at some point in our lives, think the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.  Well, as you know, the grass is only greener on the side you water and take care of the most.  So with that being said, it is supposed to be perfectly fine just being ourselves.  I think we are all a work in progress, no?  I don’t know anyone who thinks they are perfect.  And part of the reason that I don’t know people like this is that I cannot stand being around anyone who does think that.  No one is the perfect anything.  One of my favorite quotes…

“We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly”

Absolutely the truth…I am sure I have wanted to be someone else just as much as I have been ok being just myself.  I would love to be the friend that goes to Mexico for vacation.  Or the one who is financially comfortable every single day.  Or the one who is madly in love.  Or the one who has children.  I think it’s perfectly natural to desire to be someone else.  It is probably healthy really.  It gets unhealthy when you make it your life’s work to “keep up with the Jones’.” 

Here are some people I would NEVER want to be; God…the President of the U.S., the parent who has to let go of a child, the child that has to let go of a parent, an abused person or pet, the Dr. who tells someone they have Cancer…this list is probably a lot longer actually!

We are all ok.  We all want to be a better version of ourselves.  Sometimes it is nice to hear that though…that exactly the way we are, we are enough.  The truth is though, at the end of the day, I wish more than anything that I could someday or would someday just be a good mother.  I think that is important.

As in true Tiff fashion, here is the song that this post reminds me of.  I play this song when I am sad.  When I need a pick me up.  When I want to roll the windows down and scream at the top of my lungs...if I had asked someone to write a song about me, I am positive this would be it.  Just be yourself...

Good Mother...

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