Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The 25 best things about me...

Today's exercise?

The 25 best things about me?  I call bull-shit.  This is a dumb exercise.  Especially for me...I have a couple things that are good, but 25?  That's a stretch.  Ugggghhhh, and in no particular order, because this is going to take a very long time to complete.  I dare you to try it if you think it is so easy.  Sister wanted to make sure I knew that some of my GOOD things, can also be BAD things...uh yeah...got it.

1. My heart.  (It's bigger than the vessel that has to carry it.)
2. My ability to love unconditionally.  (I didn't know there were other ways.)
3. I love most all of God's creatures. (Not a fan of spiders or snakes or June Bugs.)
4. I don't know a stranger. (Meaning pretty much anyone can take me anywhere and I will make a friend.)
5. I am probably the most non-judgmental person I know. (Wasn't put on earth to do that.)
6. I am a great listener. (Unless I have no care in the world about the topic you are discussing.)
7. I am a good communicator. (Face to face and in writing, I struggle with people who are not.)
8. I have been a Chicago Cubs and Chicago Bears fan my whole life. (Not that that is good, but at least I am consistent especially considering how hard it is to be either.)
9. I love all kids of music, depending on my mood. (Except head banging music that gives me a headache and Rap.  This is good because I would say that is pretty eclectic.)
10. I am a great, great, Aunt.  (They have no idea how lucky they are.)
11. I am articulate.  (At least I think I can express myself well.)
12. I am a pretty good friend. (In certain situations I could be a better one.)
13. I am honest.  (To the point of being brutally so.) 
14. I am a hopeless romantic.  (I didn't say I believe in Fairy-tales, I said hopeless romantic.)
15. I am very opinionated.  (Not always a good thing.)
16. I am a dreamer. (But I am not the only one.)
17. I am sincere.  (Like probably the most sincere person I know.)
18. I am wonderful with kids. (Although I have no idea why.)
19. I am passionate. (Sometimes extremely so.)
20. I am hard headed. (Although I am a doormat a lot, I am very stubborn, which can sometimes come in handy.)
21. I am trustworthy.  (I probably tell Sister and Mom more things then I should.)
22. Thoughtful.  (I am really, really thoughtful.)
23. Fun on a road-trip. (As long as I am not hungry, if I am fed or have snacks, it is all good.)
24. Loyal and Dedicated (I think you should walk away from people, places and things if you cannot be.)
25. Sweet Jesus, the last one.  Thank God...drum roll please...
I am a fantastic hugger.  And and even better kisser.  But I give real damn good hugs. 

So there ya have it, if you think it's such an easy task, have at it...just don't forget, some of your good things, can also be bad things.

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