Monday, October 15, 2012

You gotta get up and TRY...

I know, I know, I know.  I haven’t blogged in eons.  To be honest, I have been a little busy.  And the older I get, the harder it is for me to multi-task.  Bullshit if you ask me.

Anyway, this weekend was interesting for me at best.  Saturday I was all out of sorts.  Completely twisted.  I suppose I should, without saying too much, tell you that that morning I realized someone who I had been talking to for awhile now, and almost allowing myself to have an interest in, basically didn’t turn out to be who or what I thought they would.  No I don’t want to talk about how I know this person, or where or any of that, I don’t even want to talk about the situation at all, but I suppose I woke up hating people and especially liars and just disappointed in general.  I seriously take for granted people’s honesty.  And I seriously believe it would be in my best interest to never believe another word out of anyone’s mouth again.  As much as that saddens me, I know of no other way to survive at this point.  I just have an incredible instinct to trust and NOT ONE SINGLE TIME HAS THAT PROVEN TO BE TRUE. 

It went a little something like this.  I woke up, realized I was still alone, it was cold and rainy and instantly I wanted to crawl in a hole and not come out.  It took hours, I MEAN HOURS for me to realize I was having anxiety.  Serious anxiety.  I am positive that I was talking to Rhetta who always helps ground me, when I realized it was anxiety probably mixed with depression that was the culprit.  It was seconds before I realized I had something to help with that.  I got myself out of bed, showered, dressed and called Angie B to come have a drink with me.  Was drinking the right idea?  Probably not, but ya know what, it worked.  I also got to see Robin and I think all in all Angie and I had a great visit.  Plus I attended a party that I swore I could not attend because of my craptastic mood, but I went and I had fun.  So for the first time in awhile, I was somehow able to pull myself out of it…and for that I am grateful…and to all of you who helped!

When I realized it was anxiety, I seriously had to dig to figure out why or where it was coming from.  Why was I having an anxiety attack over some person?  It should have made me pissed not anxious.  Anyway, I honest to God did not realize where the anxiety was coming from until I got to work.  DESPITE that the powers that be think that Sister is the only one who can make this place function, I realized the anxiety was coming from the benefit I am hosting Saturday.  Why am I anxious?  Well Christ, I want it to go well.  I want it to be successful.  I want it to be fun and memorable and organized and ya know something people want to do next year too.  And then it hit me.  What if I fail?  What if it bombs like all of my relationships?  Well, that’s just stupid; they aren’t even the same damn thing.  But honestly, failure is failure; I don’t care what it refers to.  Will I fail?  Highly doubtful, I have a lot of people helping that will make sure I get this dialed in and done well.  So where is all this coming from? 

It’s what I will now call the Ballad between Love and Hate.  I don’t think there is anything harder in the world than loving yourself.  And you have to love yourself before allowing another human being in your life.  I spent many years learning how to love myself, being comfortable in my own skin, so how is it that I am still alone?  No my parents are not going to see me get married in the traditional sense…whatever.  This isn’t the life I had planned for me I guess.  And go ahead, and say, well Tiff if you don’t like it, fix it, change it, move…and if you honestly sit back and look, I have done everything I’ve wanted to do.  Going to Hawaii was as far out of my comfort zone as possible, and no I didn’t get to stay but at least I tried.  I bought my own business, did fairly well.  It’s not that I have not TRIED to reinvent myself and find what makes me happy.  Personally I think there are certain people who have an enormous amount of love to give, like me, and nothing or no one to give it to.  So volunteer, etc . right?  Well, that is precisely why I did this event.  But now I am making myself sick over it being a success.  And I know it will be.  The first event was and I was really unsure about that one.

I am in a love hate relationship with myself daily.  It’s not easy.  Trust me.  In fact it sucks.  No I do not have kids, so I cannot possibly be able to understand when a couple who so desperately wants them, cannot conceive.  But I do understand what it is like to be single and for a very long time.  There is nothing wrong with wanting to be loved and to be loved out loud.  So although I cannot grasp the longing a couple feels for a child, I can understand how hard it must be to watch people have babies all the time, especially people who really should not be allowed to continue to produce children.  I have the same emotions when I watch friends go in and out of relationships like drinking a glass of water.  Apparently that is why I am alone…it’s a little more sacred for me, sharing my life with someone.  And maybe the reason I am alone is because I refuse to settle.

Whatever is going on, please don’t say I haven’t tried.  Every single day, I get up and Try.  And don't think for one second that it is lost on me that I was feeling sorry for myself and having a benefit for a little guy who didn't ask for any of the crap he has had to deal with.  

I asked Pink to write me a song about this and true to Pink form, she did.  ENJOY.  Honestly I haven't seen the video, but I have heard the words.  OVER and OVER and OVER.

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