Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Tender Bar

I cannot take credit for the title as it really is the title of a book I read many many moons ago, but I loved it so much that I went out and bought a bar.  That is so not true.  Not even close.  I have always loved bars.  Always thought I wanted to own one.  One of my BFF's and I had discussed going into business together for several years when I lived in Minnesota...what a pipe dream that was.  The truth is I bought a bar because some man named Gary said I would never make it work.  I had to prove him wrong.  I think I did.

Okay, so it turned out to really happen.  And it was the hardest things I have ever ever done.  For various reasons.  Because it was in Maquon, because I was me, because no one had done well in it for a long time, because it had a bad reputation, because my family would be helping...endless this list is.

I have been blogging for a long time and have never really typed about it.  Any part of it really.  I suppose Freud could find lots of reasons for why I haven't written about it, but who really cares, I am now.

What most people don't know is what happened BEFORE the bar ever opened.  How many years it was discussed with me and many others about my desire to do run my own.  How badly I wanted food and the kitchen to be the spotlight.  How many countless hours I sat on Angie and Ernie's deck going over the Pro's and Con's.  I did not want it being called a Gay Bar...(funny it was sometimes,) I don't want people thinking I was given money to do this (whatever money I borrowed I paid back and AM STILL PAYING BACK,) I want it's success or failure to ride solely on me (and it did,) and the list goes on.  Countless hours.  Who's going to help me, etc. etc.

My brother in law and his father, Angie and Ernie, Debbie, my brother and sister in law, my parents, Dee Dee...the list of people to thank for getting me started and getting me through it would need to be a total separate blog...I hope they don't ever feel as if they were not thanked or appreciated enough because they were, beyond words.

I knew it was going to require a lot of blood, sweat, and tears and it did.  I did not know the tears would come immediately following the day I opened.  Few people know that the next morning I lay on the pool table and bawled my eyes out because every fiber of my being hurt and I was exhausted, I was done.  My cheer sections rallied and somehow we opened another day and another day after that...more days than I imagined we would to be honest.

We learned every single day, what we did wrong and how to fix it.  Or we tried.  We made a lot of mistakes, we accomplished a lot of things I never dreamed we could and I say we, because I did not do this alone.  It took almost 3 years to perfect the continuity of the kitchen and figure out how to cost effectively do things which was right about the time I wanted out.  We got in a lot of fights and we had a lot of laughs...some of my best memories are during those three years.

Unfortunately, I am not someone who can compartmentalize.  Meaning I can't deal with one thing and then put something else on the back burner to deal with later...Meaning I could not run the kitchen and bar by myself.  They are two separate demons entirely.  I could not be in both places.  That was one reason I became disenchanted.  Another?  I had my heart massively broken and I didn't want to face the public and be nice to people when my heart was hurting.  Another?  My parents decided they should get a divorce (20 years earlier would have been more beneficial) and I could not tolerate the words spewing out of my fathers mouth about the situation (which to this day has still not stopped.)  Another?  Somewhere along the way I got really tired.  Really tired and I stopped caring.  About whether I did a good job or not.

My personality is not conducive to a bar, even though most people think it would be.  My therapist begged me not to do it.  I want too much and expect too much back from people and I take things way too was would be my demise.  Yes, I am a people person, yes I know NO strangers, yes I love organizing social events, but I also take on all of the worlds problems and make them my own.  I had no room for that.  My favorite moments are when someone would Facebook or stop in the bar and say, oh my God, I have heard so much about this place, I had so much fun.  YEAH, because I wanted you to.  I wanted you to have good food and tell everyone.  I wanted you to have good service.  I wanted you to dance your asses off.  I will go to my grave knowing that part of the reason fun was had was because I treated everyone equally.  The way I wanted to be treated.  I love all of God's creatures until one of them piss me off.

When I felt like I couldn't manage the cash register while cooking in the kitchen, I came out to the bar and then things in the kitchen didn't work the way I wanted them to.  And vice-versa.  I could not be in two places at once and my BABY was the kitchen.  Unfortunately my baby was also what ate up most of whatever profit I would have...there is a tremendous amount of overhead in food...just ask my sister.  The moment when I stopped caring if I was in either place, is the moment I knew it was going to kill me.  And I am positive to this day that Sister can probably tell you what day that was.  I was no longer able to live up to expectations that I myself had of the place, that I created, that I was going to hell in a hand-basket and it was going to go fast.

I was very lucky that Sally took it over.  Not many people in the business have that kind of luck, especially at about the moment they are going to throw in the towel.  Actually I had made my mind up to close no matter what.  I had to, or I was going to be a shell of a person, not that I am not that some days anyway.

The rest you know...sold the bar, went to Hawaii...blah blah blah.

The moral of this blog is that if you were able to be a part of Tiffany's on Main, you were truly able to be a part of something very special.  It took a village, it really did.  You got the best parts of me...and sometimes the worst.  Some incredibly wonderful family memories were made there...not just mine but other peoples...birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, JUST BECAUSE.  I met some amazing people.  Mike and Andi Howard?  Who knew?  Two of the nicest people who literally, by bringing their own friends, created business for me, but also lasting personal friendships as well.

If you asked me what I hated about it, the answer may surprise you.  Yes the long hours sucked.  Yes some customers were jerks (even though they were always right,) yes managing staff was a pain, inventory, payroll, yada yada yada...what I hated most was when someone waltzed into the kitchen like it was at their own house.  NOT because I didn't want people to feel comfortable doing so, but because when I say that kitchen was my BABY, I mean it.  I was in a I cannot describe unless you have also been in one.  I wanted my classical music (though Debbie would have never allowed that) cranked up and I wanted to to be left alone in my element to do my thing.  I hated that stupid window...I hated the door to the back porch...I hated the door to the back room...all ways for someone to infiltrate my "space."  Just like in Dirty Dancing, this is your dance space, THAT was my dance space...and it was crossed more times than I can count.  Do I hate those people not at all...but it would surprise people to know that my biggest wish is that I could have cooked and come out when I wanted or when I was done and not have been bothered once...that was what I wanted most.  At times it felt like my space was not respected.

What surprised me most?  Who were customers and who weren't.  I will never know their reasons why and it doesn't each their own.  I made some amazing friendships out of the deal.  I do miss it sometimes.  That took a year to say that.  There are moments I want to go back.  There are moments I want to call Debbie and Sally and say, I have an idea...but I don't.  I had my turn.  I took it.  I am proud I took it, a lot of people talk about doing something but never do it...I have a lot of regrets about it as well...regrets and mistakes, they're memories is bittersweet.

As you know if you follow me at all on any venue, I am pretty down right now, so do me a solid and tell me what your absolute FAVORITE Tiffany's on Main memory was.  Someday, when I am big and famous I will give out gifts and stuff if you answer.  I know for a fact I would have sold so much RumChata, they would have given me stock.

Hope to hear from would do my heart good.

P.S. The pictures chosen were done in a hurry and strictly chosen because I look good in them!  :)


  1. Wow, I had no Idea.... first time Tiff blog reader... You are amazing kid, always have been one of my favorite people EVER!! I know you have through some crap and it is tough, but you WILL be back on top. If I can make a suggestion, grab your Kindle or Nook or if you prefer those you know what are they called, oh ya, books... read "The Traveler's Gift" it will change your life!! To be thankful for everything that you have in the face of some major crap is an amazing thing!!! I didn't plan to raise two kids completely and totally alone...nope, not top on my list when planning my life, and can't say being both Mom and Dad is an easy job... but I am so thankful that God graced me with these two amazing boys!!
    Keep after your Dreams girl, because really? What is the alternative? When you become an ambassador for RumChata, if you end up in Champaign... Call me!!! Love Ya!! Buffy

  2. You crack me up, Tiff!!! For everything there is a season, and few are lucky enough to "go for it" and have their 'season'. You did a great job with the bar, and many, many, MANY, miss you!.....but they care more of your friendship and spending time with you than how well you ran the bar, or kitchen....Take heed and satisfaction in the fact that did it!!! Few of us are brave enough. You did it honey!!!.....And you'd probably do it over again! Life is are one of the lucky ones that will look back and say "I wish it would have lasted", when you should just look back and say "I'm glad it happened"! You're luckier than you realize!......(Love these blogs, by the way!!! - and love you too! - hope all is well!!!)
    Rod n Amanda

  3. Buffy-THANKS! I hope you continue to read it! And I have a Nook and I will get that book I promise!

    Rod&Mandy-I had no idea you read the blog! And I am lucky. Some days we need people to remind us because we forget. Thanks for always being fans!!!

  4. Tiff, you know that I understand and have been through it all too. It is very hard, especially to hear someone say things like I miss your pies, I miss your rolls, I can't eat biscuits and gravy anywhere else, you made the best. I miss the people, the laughter. You know all of that. I don't miss the complete exhaustion, hoping to be able to buy what I need for the next week, having to throw food out because I always had plenty and hated to tell someone that I didn't have what they wanted (always have everything and plenty of it; good motto, just not always the best motto). On and on, you know that story. I love you, I feel for you, I know parts of your story and can relate 100%. Hang in there, keep dreaming your dreams and going after what you want. You are a strong, beautiful, intelligent person and I love you, Karen.

  5. Tiff, You did look good in those pictures. My favorite memory was to have our family eat in the back room and have you come out and greet us. Cousin Jerry

  6. Karen thank you! I know you KNOW how it felt. It's a very hard thing to do. I love you for all of your support then and now.

    Cousin Jerry-thank you! I loved that too! I always felt like I didn't have enough time to visit!

  7. I can't even think of a favorite time because every time was a butt load of fun! So glad we were able to spend many special family times there though, Rhetta's graduation surprise, Garett's 21st birthday, any Rodeo of FARTS weekends... the list goes on! I'm so glad you had the experience to put in your life lesson book. Also glad to have experienced some special times in your life and mine there.

  8. Didn't get there very often. But my family has never tasted a better taco pizza anywhere. Love ya Tiff. Lois

  9. Every time there was my favorite when I could have a calzone and drink! I loved filling up that back room with our family and letting the good times flow. 80's night was pretty fun, I must say. Oh, how I love the 80's. It was great to see you happy. You deserve to be happy. Don't ever give up on happy!

  10. One of my most favorite memories...I have so many....but the most favorite involved a little tea party, complete with a fancy hot pink table cloth, pearl decorations and two little princesses sipping their tea with their pinkies up. A request from my daughter to have a tea party "at Tiffany's". Tiffany's On Main will forever be in my heart and also be a memory for my kids as the BEST place to have a Birthday Party....EVER. My second was the Tips for Ta Tas Event for Michaela! What fun was that?? And for an amazing person! You rocked it then Tiff, and you still do now!

  11. I'm so sorry we never made it to see/experience "your Baby" Tiff. Had grand plans and still have something I bought for you to put up at your bar good excuses. Anyway...YOU DID IT AND I'M PROUD OF YOU and look up to you for your perseverence in all aspects of your life and YOU WRITE LIKE A ROCK STAR!!! "Lucinda"

  12. Never look back on things you have done in your past with regret. Just always remember what you took away from that situation. It is what it is! It has took me several years to come to that conclusion but I have. I can not say that I was proud of some of the things that I have done in the past. But I know there are some things that have made me the way I am today that could be good or bad honestly but hey I am happy and living life that is all that matters. You are a special person Tiffany I have known you for years, you should know that by that people that are presnt in your life and the ones who's lives you have touched. Unfortantely, one thing that is always hard for us to find is someone that we truly know we can trust and give our heart too. It takes awhile for some of us to find our special someone, but they do exist it took me 24 years but I found someone who loves me for me. You will find that one. (I Spent 10 wasted years with an ass, but hey at least I just call him an ass now I use to use more colorful words lol). You will have ups and downs with the one who is your one and only but you will know that the reason that you had to wait all those years for her. I know things are hard for you right now concerning your injury, it is easy to get down on yourself but DON'T! Think about your next adventure and how you are going to conquer that! I had several good times at Tiffany's on Main with family and friends. It is was nice to come back home too and see old friends at a truly welcoming place. Keep your head up Tiff.
