Thursday, July 26, 2012

Someone please explain...

Kristen Stewart cheated on Robert Pattison.  Even though they never admitted they were dating.  Who the hell are these people you ask?  You didn't catch the Twilight Saga?  Edward vs Jacob BS?  Well such is the life of a Hollywood movie star.  I am sorry, if you don't like the world in your business, maybe you shouldn't ask to world to pay your salary.  And I am sorry, people cheat.  It's a fact of life.  I don't like it, not one minute and I think there is a special place in the world for cheaters, but not my judgement call.  I may be alone the rest of my life out of the shear fear of being cheated seems so simple to just say you can't commit, but again, whatever.  A few weeks ago the news was all about Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes getting divorced.  Again, life sucks.  You want the world to respect your privacy yet the very home you live in, car you drive, clothes on your back, were given to you by the world, your fans.  Sucks to be you.  Sucks to live your life so can choose a different career.  Or move to Iowa or one of the Dakotas.

My real problem here is that a young man walked into a movie theater and took the lives of innocent people, and the best we can do is argue about which candidate is going to get the gun laws straightened out.  I have personally never touched a gun.  I would actually probably enjoy it.  Having one, touching one, firing one, whatever.  But I am pretty sure that our gun laws or lack thereof did not have a bearing on what he walked in that night and did.  If people were allowed to carry a concealed weapon would the tragedy have been less?  Maybe...but why didn't the police officers who assured the public that he was apprehended approximately 1 minute and 39 seconds after the first 911 call just shoot him?  I guess my question is they do have the right to shoot their weapon and they didn't.  If you had the right to carry a concealed weapon would you have stood up that day and shot him back?  He was completely protected.  I don't understand.  I am not trying to piss people off, I am trying to understand.

I don't give a fat rats ass who broke up with who in LA LA Land or who cheated on whom, I really don't.  I want to know when we as a people, a country, are going to pull our heads out of our asses and do something about the senseless violence that gets very little airplay, unless its sensational enough.  The bullying, racism, senseless violence.  

I feel bad for this kids parents.  Who claimed to have known he had issues, issues that needed clinical help.  I feel bad that they didn't get him the help he needed and I feel bad that they will forever live with this stigma, personally I would have to hide...far far away.

We are not safe anywhere...and maybe we do all need guns...but isn't the problem why we need them in the first place? 

And one more thing, as awful and brutal and wrong on every level that act of violence in Colorado was, why do we tell these people to rest in peace?  There was nothing peaceful about the way they were executed.  Nothing...I don't get that saying in a time like this.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

The greatest feeling in the world...

The single greatest feeling in the world.  Is there one?  I don’t think there is JUST ONE.  And it’s all relative.  Everyone is different.  What may feel amazing to one person may not be amazing to someone else.  There are so many feelings that are great.  Here are some of my favorite feelings…in no particular order…

Puppy kisses
When a baby grabs on to your finger and doesn't let go
The first time you crawl into bed after changing the sheets
Having a public bathroom to yourself 
Making it to the toilet when you aren't sure if you can hold #1 or #2
Having one ice cold beer left in the cooler
Forehead kisses, I LOVE THESE
When someone holds your face when they kiss you
The words I love you
Finding chocolate when you think you may kill someone if you don’t
Breathing fresh northern air
When Terry fills up my gas tank, just because I come visit them
Waking up and finding Brodie right next to me on my pillow
Brodie’s reaction the minute I get home
A massage
A hot tub
The first bite of your favorite food
Waking up in the morning feeling like you have had enough sleep
Seeing my mom happy
Hot showers
Kayaking on a secluded lake
Putting on your favorite jeans and sweatshirt
Sitting around a fire in the fall
Saying thank you
Being grateful

I suppose I could keep going…but I don’t think my list would stop!  I think we take our days for granted, maybe if we focused more on experiencing great feelings, life wouldn't be so tough all the time.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Boycotting OREO? Yes, blame it on the cookie...

I don't usually go off on tantrums about politics, religion, race, sexual preference, etc.  And there is a reason for that.  I have my views, my feelings, my opinions.  I also do not feel that I am entirely educated in some of those aspects to start some sort of war over it.  I will stand up for myself and believe what I believe.  You are entitled to do the same.  If something I do or something I am, offends you, we don't have to be friends or hang out.  That's the beautiful thing about choices.  We all get to make them.

I recently posted a picture showing the Rainbow Oreo that was released in support of Gay Pride month.  I don't give two shits if you eat Oreo's, if you support Gay rights, or how you feel about cookies in general, it was a damn cool picture and I shared it.  Most people liked it.  No one got in my face personally about it.  Until I saw the following article.  Go ahead, you can click and read up on the ridiculousness.

One Million Moms Condemns Oreo Cookies For Gay Pride Support

To review, this is the same group that condemned JCPenny for having Ellen DeGeneres as their new spokesperson.  They are going to forbid all of their followers to purchase clothing from this store, or stop eating anything that Kraft makes, because these two businesses support Gay Rights.  Well, I have news for you One Million had better stop eating, brushing your teeth, wearing clothes, traveling, hell, just stop breathing.  And I won't even bother to break it down for you, you can read the following that I borrowed from a friends Facebook page (thanks Brooke.)  Imagine if ONE MILLION MOMS got together on stuff like child abuse/neglect, making sure the children of the US are eating meals and drinking clean water...just an idea.

I have no idea who wrote this, but I could not agree more.  Seriously...I wonder if you think we care that you are never going to eat another Oreo cookie.  Because after all, cookies are what make people Gay. And if by Gay you mean happy, because I am always incredibly happy when I am eating a cookie.

We have come so far, but we have so much further to go.  Our society.  I don't give two shits who you love. I have enough problems.  If everyone else would focus their attention on what happens in their own homes instead of a rainbow colored cookie, well, how much nicer would the world be?

Maybe I have offended some by posting this or expressing this...but honest to God, when your life is so much more superior than other peoples, that you can sit back and boycott everything and every company that supports HUMAN RIGHTS, it means we live in a sad world.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

If you need money...

The truth is I will probably never have enough money “stashed” to ever loan someone enough to help them.  I am ok with that.  Well, I am and I am not, I suppose I am a little disappointed that I may never be that financially comfortable.  I wish I was.  Maybe someday I will be.  If I was that financially stable, I wouldn’t be loaning someone money, I would just be giving it to them.

Money is a funny demon.  To me it is just like everything else.  If you give it away, expecting it back, then you are doing it for all the wrong reasons.  Don’t give it, if you feel like it should be returned.  It would be incredibly hard to work that hard and give most of it away to protect someone from a situation they should probably NOT have gotten themselves into in the first place.  Maybe I am just the pessimist that most people think I am.  But sometimes, continuously bailing someone out, or fixing their mistakes for them, isn’t really doing them any favors.  It really is a tough call…luckily; I do not have to worry about it because I don’t have any money to give anyone. 

I have been on the receiving end of such gifts…and I made damn sure I paid them back, or it was established prior to accepting it that I would not be able to.  I have a mental note of everyone who has helped me along the way; it is my intention to pay them all back someday.  Will I accomplish that?  Highly doubtful, but it is my intention.  

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Time machines and what's right in the world...

I am a little behind here, so I apologize and I shall catch up. 

If I had a time machine, where would I go, backwards or forwards?  To what moment?  I made rules on this one.  I said that you could not go back and change an event.  Because doing so, ultimately would change the entire outcome of your life thus far.  All moments, big or small, happy or sad, short or long lasting…form us into the people we are.  With that being said, there is no mystery that I would have went back to the day that I broke my back and I would have NEVER gotten in that boat.  Honest to God, the last thing I remember thinking before I got in that boat was, damn your legs look amazing in this wetsuit.  Seriously.  I was in that good of shape.  Anyway, since that was NOT allowed, I have to pick, one moment, forward or backward. 
It would not be in the future.  As much as I would love to see where I am in 10 years, there is something incredibly mysterious, in a good way about where I am going.  Kind of like if I was to ever have a child.  Meaning physically carry one.  I would NOT want to know the sex.  There are very little surprises in life anymore.  That would need to one of them.   So, I can’t go back and change that day, and I won’t go forward because it will ruin the incredible surprise that is my life…SOOOOOOOOO, that means I have to go back to some moment in the past.  Obviously not to change it, but perhaps to have said more, or done more, or less.

Ok…here goes.  I can only remember one moment, in the last at least 15 years that I did not stand up for myself.  One time.  I think I was in so much shock that I couldn’t react.  I will not go into what happened or who it happened with, or why.  But I think about that moment often and wish I had handled it differently.  I walked away.  Without a fight.  Without a word.  I couldn’t wrap my hands around someone saying the things they were saying OR that the person I cared more about in the world was allowing them to be said.  In hindsight, it should have been when I realized that God was de-touring my current path and that he was doing so as a favor, not to hurt me, but it sure didn’t feel that way at the time.  I was so angry and so hurt, that I had no words.  Now that I can look back, maybe it was a blessing that I didn’t go off…maybe I have a filter, and it is used when necessary.  But to this day, I would like to say to the people who did what they did, that I feel bad for them.  That their mere existence on this planet must be a constant struggle for them when they have to walk around and be so hateful to other human beings.  Stones…glass houses…you get the idea.  I was treated like a sub human being that night.  And I will never forget it and although I would not wish to return to that moment for anything in the world, I do wish I could go back and say the things I really felt.  It would not change the outcome, but I will have known that I didn’t just walk away like the beaten down human being that I was…that I actually defended myself…

Lastly, what is RIGHT in the world?  If you had to sit right down and think about it, it appears to be easier to list all the things that are wrong.  Like technology.  As far as it has come, it has its pros and cons.  Bullying is at an all time high, because even though it has always existed, technology has made it so kids are accessible 24 hours a day. 

Interestingly enough, another friend picked my answer for this.  Good job Jenell!  In my EYES.  The only thing RIGHT in this world is the innocence of a child.  Life, through a child’s eyes.  Before it has to see hurtful things, hear hurtful things, experience hurtful things.  Children don’t judge.  They are taught to do that.  It is a learned behavior.  We are all the same, until someone points out our differences and until someone makes you form an opinion about those differences.  I wish all children were allowed to grow up in loving, nurturing environments where they are taught that it is okay to feel what you feel.  Believe in what you believe.  Unfortunately, that’s not the way it is.