Friday, September 21, 2012

Go to hell!

I don't normally post blogs like this, or even comment too much about things like this on my Facebook...but this is my blog and I can certainly say whatever the hell I want.

This goes out to a very NOT SO SPECIAL someone who basically was a complete fraud and total waste of my time.  In the almost 2 years I have known you, we have been through a lot.  A lot of ups and downs.  But I never lost respect for you, because when and/or if I lose respect for another human being it is impossible to get it back.  Sort of like forgive/forget.  At this point I won't be able to do either.  And with all of the respect I had for you, you managed with one single sentence, to remove that.

I have asked you to leave me alone and I hope you do.  Actually, I have virtually made it impossible for you to contact me in any way shape or form.  And trust me, there are a 1000 ways a person can contact another person, so that wasn't easy!

I have wished you well, I have congratulated you on your (not so new) relationship, I have supported you and the incredibly difficult battle you have ahead of you and your family, but none of those things should have allowed you to be so cruel.  The sad part is you will not lose any sleep over how you treated me because people like you just don't.

I have no regrets, because life is life and you live and you learn and sometimes you don't know why people come into your life, but they do...good or bad they do.  Some people just simply teach you valuable that it is OK to not trust someone thinking they are just out to hurt you, because sadly, they are going to wind up doing just that.

Anyway...this goes out to you.  Enjoy...

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