Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Me.  Holding Uncle Brad's cat Tomasina

This past weekend Sister, Bella and Kolbie showed up at 7:30PM on Saturday night with RumChata, Hungry Hobo, and the Sorry game in tow.  They wanted to surprise me with Family Game Night.  Oh it was a surprise all right.  Since I was trying to get through the 2nd of 3 massive headaches that weekend and especially since Sorry is my 2nd least favorite board game next to Monopoly.  After the game was over, (thank the Lord it went fairly quick,) I was trying to usher them out the door because Sister was giving Brodie licks of RumChata and my head was pounding, when out of nowhere her and Kolbie start going through the basement (my house mind you) like a scene from American Pickers.

Me: Dear God, what are you doing?  Sister: Looking for treasures.  Me: What the hell could you possibly need from this basement?  Sister: How will I know if I don’t look.  See here is a bottle of Mogan David wine Dad and Janet can share over the holidays.  Me: Dear God really, it’s probably 40 years old.  Sister: Well doesn’t wine get better with age?  Look here you have a wine from Germany, look at all this wine you have.  Me: Well I sure as hell wouldn’t drink that, I don’t even know who it would have come from.  That is REALLY OLD.  Don’t you need to go home?  Sister: (She has moved to Dad’s office) I am looking for a shirt to wear to bed.  I love your old shirts that you just toss.  Oh, here are some shorts.  Kolbie: LOOK, PAPA KEPT ALL MY DOLLS!  See here is proof.  Me: Oh yes, that is lovely, if you take it home, your mother will kill us both, it really is time for you guys to go.  Sister: Oh!  I FOUND PICTURES!  This is that trip to Minnesota when Tar (Brother) puked.  Kolbie look at your Dad, he was so stinking cute!  Kolbie: He’s not now.  Me: Oh my God, please take the whole box with you and sort it out at home, I have to lay down NOW.

Needless to say, they finally left, but not without a few “treasures.”  Most of them being pictures.

Why do we go back through old photos?  Well to reminisce of course.  Sometimes a photo can remind you of a time and place and just like that you can be back there in a second.  You can instantly remember the moment as if it was yesterday.  Well I can.  Sister not so much.  She barely remembers driving to work every day.

I don’t mind old photos from when I was a youngster…a tyke.  I was cute.  Adorable really.  I suppose it could be argued that I still am, but I would not agree with you.  You can show me pictures of my past 40 years all you want.  MINUS the pictures from Minnesota.  I am not kidding.  Those bring back memories that border on being so wonderful and so painful at the same time that I cannot decide which way my heart wants to go.  I guess that is what they call Bittersweet.  It could be because when people see them they say, oh my gosh you were so skinny.  I was and never WILL be skinny, but yes, I was a lot lighter.  You would be too if you taught aerobics for 2 hours every day and you worked in a fitness center.  It certainly was a different time in my life. 

If you haven’t done so in awhile, go find some old pictures, grab a beverage (of your preference, or whatever may help you get through them) and go back…

Oh the things I would tell that little girl now if I could!


  1. Tomasina? Did we initially think she was a little boy? I love old photos! Makes me so grateful for the family and friends who have molded me into the person I am today.

  2. OMG!! Hungry Hobo!! Haven't had that in years!! That was like the precursor to Subway...but better!....and with baked potatoes!
