Friday, December 9, 2011

The Laws of Attraction...

I didn’t make them.  And frankly I don’t follow them.  I am pretty sure stuff like that doesn’t apply to me, since I kind of beat to my own drum…and I like to color outside the lines.  But we are all different.  “Different strokes for different folks.”  We all find different things that attract us to other things, people and places. 

According to my dear friends at Wikipedia, the Law of Attraction:  is a metaphysical belief that "like attracts like", that positive and negative thinking bring about positive and negative physical results, respectively.  According to the law of attraction, the phrase "I need more money" allows the subject to continue to "need more money". If the subject wants to change this they would focus their thoughts on the goal (having more money) rather than the problem (needing more money). This might take the form of phrases such as "I do have more money" or "I will have more money".

1.      Attraction itself has a variety of meanings: The action or power of evoking interest, pleasure, or liking for someone or something: "the timeless attraction of a good tune".  A quality or feature of something or someone that evokes interest, liking, or desire.

So it doesn’t necessarily have to do with a person, although generally when we talk about being attracted to something we talk about it in terms of another human being.  I find many things attractive about another human being.

I am attracted to these types of people and their qualities and yes some of them are superficial and aesthetic, I am HUMAN.  In no particular order:

  • Confidence without cockiness.  I think it is the sexiest thing a person can wear. 
  • A person who can have an educated conversation.  I don’t need this person to have a degree, I don’t even need this person to know exactly what they are talking about, but to be able to have a conversation about current events and stuff, is very attractive to me.
  • I am attracted to someone who is close to their family.  I am very close to mine.  Very. 
  • If animals, small children and older folks are drawn to a person, so too will I be.  To me they are the best judges of character in the world.
  • Someone who has kindness in their heart.  This is visually obvious by how they treat people in public.  Engage others in conversation.  Ask others about their day.  Hold doors open for people. 
  • I am attracted to people who walk away from drama.  Not create it or wallow in it. 
  • Glasses.  I love Glasses.  I don’t know why except that it makes the person appear intellectual.
  • Someone who lives with conviction of the heart.  (If I have to explain what that means, I am not going to be attracted to this person.)
  • Should that person have children, my attraction can be made or broken by their interaction.  It speaks volumes about who they are as a person.
  • Someone who loves music as much as I do.  Someone who really listens to the words.  The only time I do not have music in my life is when I am sleeping. 
  • I am attracted to people who can make the simplest thing the best day ever.  A road-trip.  A glass of wine.  A walk.  Sitting in the sun.  A walk in the snow.
  • I am attracted to people who are looking at something beautiful and they say, please don’t speak…I need this moment to absorb this…someone who APPRECIATES art and beauty and nature and the world that we all take for granted.
  • I am attracted to someone who doesn’t look at food as a necessity but rather something to be enjoyed with family, friends or a partner.  Cook together.  Create together.  It’s not hard.
  • Dimples.  I love dimples.
  • Someone who puts others needs before their own.  Not an entirely unselfish person, but someone who does not strictly look out for themselves. 

I suppose I could go on and on and on because I do have a plethora of them, but probably the most important quality I find attractive in, on or about another human being is their “ability to show up.”  I am not talking about being on time.  Or being at the right place at the right time. Or going to a function with you so you don’t have to go alone.  I am talking about SHOWING UP.  Be present.  Know when to speak and when to shut their mouth.  Support me without me having to ask for it or feeling like they HAVE TO, but they do so because they want to.

These words will be spoken that day, that day when I say I do…

“I am amazed by your ability to show up.”  And they will know it had nothing to do with “getting to the church on time.” 

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