Friday, May 4, 2012


Interestingly I did not specify if my question of the day yesterday included time travel.  Mostly because I didn’t know it was necessary.  But that is one of the fun things about questions and different people’s responses.  I just want people to tell me the first thing they think about…it’s not necessary to launch the shuttle, but some people really get into their answers! 

The question was if you could be invisible for one hour where would you want to go.  A lot of people chose Heaven, which I thought was rather interesting.  Because I imagine our vision of Heaven is very different for all of us.  A couple chose picked the White House, which I would not be interested in at all.  You couldn’t pay me to get involved in politics in any way shape or form.  Nor do I want to spend an hour hearing about them.  A few wanted to follow their kids around, to see how they act in different environments, especially when the parent is not around.  That would be interesting.  Or not?

Where would I go if I could be invisible for an hour?  I refuse to name names but I think I would go be in a room where I was being talked about.  You know how you just KNOW people are nice to your face, but otherwise probably say not so nice things?  Yeah, well, I know it happens and I would like to be there to hear it.  Not because I enjoy being talked about in an unfavorable way, but because I would have the proof I need to confirm that they were just being nice to my face.  I hate fake people.  Especially to my face.  So that is probably where I would go…get the confirmation I needed.

It’s Kentucky Derby weekend.  Which is bittersweet for me, but I think it’s something I should do before I die…although I cannot see myself getting a gown for it.

1 comment:

  1. Forget the gown, just go for the big hat and a mint julep.
