Monday, May 14, 2012

No, I could not eat a live cricket...

I don’t know if I will have a question of the day today, as we have a lot going on and my heart is elsewhere right now, but I have to respond to the last one I posed.  I mean this is how this works.

As badly as I need $40,000, I do not believe I could eat a bowl full of live crickets.  I don’t even know if I could eat them if they were not alive either.  It’s gross.  And I realize that is a lot of money but I could not eat them without wondering what the hell was going on with them when they got downstairs ya know?  Meaning my stomach.  Even if they were dead, they have a lot of really disgusting parts.  And I realize that they are a delicacy in some countries and kudos to them, I mean that is just great, but they are not a delicacy in my country so there is no need for me to get excited about them.  A couple live crickets?  Maybe.  Maybe I could force myself to eat a couple, but not a bowl full.  Hell no.  I imagine there are quite a few things I would do for $40K, but obviously this is not one of them.  The nightmares alone would not be worth it.

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