Friday, May 11, 2012


It would be easier to tell you what makes me feel insecure right now then it would be to tell you what makes me feel secure.  I honestly don’t know if I have ever truly felt security in my life.  A hug feels good.  I don’t know that I have had one that made me feel secure.  Probably because I always have a pessimistic attitude when it comes to good things happening to me, so I am sure when I was getting these hugs, in the back of my mind I was probably waiting for the other shoe to fall.  And it always did…

Money doesn’t make me feel secure.  I’ve never had enough and probably never will to ever feel that way.  Who knows though?  Stranger things have happened. 

I wouldn’t feel secure if I had my own place; even though I am working diligently towards that at the moment…home means more than 4 walls around you.  Having my own physical location just means I have shelter, that’s my own private space.  I suppose that can be gone in a matter of seconds for a variety of reasons, but I don’t know that it would make me feel secure. 

I don’t have a favorite blanket or pillow.  I just really like my bed or any comfy bed will do. 
A job is never guaranteed so I don’t necessarily feel secure in that.

I suppose the thing that makes me feel most secure is Brodie and his unconditional love.  No matter what happens, that doesn’t change.  He is just as excited to see me if I have been gone 8 hours or 8 minutes.  He acts like I hung the moon.  Everyone needs something that makes them feel like that.

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