Wednesday, May 9, 2012

A life skills class would have been handy...

I asked yesterday what teacher most influenced or best prepared you for the real world/college.  Let’s be honest not all of us go to college…regardless of whether we do, life still goes on and still happens.  Was there a teacher that prepared you for that?  I didn’t get many answers to be honest and a couple I did get basically told me who DIDN’T prepare them.

I personally feel like there are a lot of things that classes do not teach you, that yes, sometimes you have to experience them to learn them, but I do think there can be some transitional classes that would be helpful.  I went to Western Illinois University.  I went from a class of 20 students to sometimes 200.  Talk about a little fish in a big pond.  I don’t know that there is anything about coming from a rural school that can prepare you for that.  I had Miss K in 6th grade.  I believe she did a great job of preparing students for Junior High…but I would have to say as many people and parents disliked her as much as those of us who did like her.  I thought Mr. Klotz prepared me for college English…I don’t know that I can pinpoint one teacher that made a huge difference or one who prepared me for life.  I don’t know that one person could actually do that since we need so many different people in our lives.  What I would have liked is a life skills class.  Either in college or high school.  This is how to balance a checkbook.  This is how to use a credit card properly.  This is how you interact in social situations.  This is how you manage a household and expenses.  I think something like that would have been helpful.  And some diversity classes.  Yes, there are colored people, Chinese people, gay people, straight people, people with disabilities, short people, and fat people.  Treat them how you want to be treated.  Regardless of what your peers tell you to do.  A class on how to not let hateful things said about you to you hurt you. Those kinds of classes.  Life skills. 

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