Monday, May 7, 2012

To bathe or not to bathe...

Would you rather go a week without bathing, but be able to change your clothes, or a week without a change of clothes, but be able to bathe?  That was Friday’s question of the day.  At the surface it appears to be an easy question to answer, until you read it.  And I mean really read it.  A lot of assumptions have to take place in a question such as this.  And I hate assumptions.  Hate them.  I am not saying I don’t personally make them myself, I do, and I shouldn’t, but I still hate them.

Personally, the truth is I love to smell good.  LOVE IT.  For whatever reason I have a good chemistry and my body is able to hold onto scents for a while.  You know how some people put on perfume or whatever and it’s gone really quickly?  Or lotion?  Not I.  For the most part depending on what I use, you can smell it for hours.  I love that.  HOWEVER…I absolutely hate taking a shower.  For the record, I take one every single day…usually at night, makes your sheets last longer if you get in them clean.  But anyway, it’s probably right up there with my least favorite things I have to do in a day.  I would probably rather run than shower.  I know, WTF.  I have no idea, it just seems like I have to completely stop everything I am doing and clean myself.  And I am usually doing nothing.  But I have no rhyme or reason for this; it’s just the way I feel.  I could also wear the same clothes for a week for sure.  In fact I have.  In fact, I can tell you that I have recently.  When I broke my leg.  Showering was an epic deal.  And until you have that happen, you don’t even realize how much you need two working legs to bathe.  Anyway, I once said I could live in my warm-up pants and I pretty much did for about 8 weeks (they were washed yes.) So in reality, I didn’t bathe or change clothes for at least a couple days, because it was like turning the Titanic around to do so.  Since that was not an option I gave though I would say I could go without bathing but change clothes.  And if the truth be known, I am OCD about once I have had a bath/shower.  I cannot put on clothes I have already worn.  That makes my skin crawl thinking about it.

So the moral of this story is I would rather be able to change clothes, but not bathe.  You can make yourself smell good without having a bath.  Now, I am pretty sure I would need a bath in a week.  I could never go longer than that. 
The majority of you however, need a bath and could wear the same clothes.  Not I said the Tiff.  If I bathe, it’s gotta be all new, fresh smelling clothes.  
Since most of us don’t have to make this choice, just bathe…daily.  It’s sanitary. 

1 comment:

  1. Well. Not sure how I feel about this. I've been in the company of many men in a case we all only had at most two pair of clothes which were worn for over a three month period without a shower. Of course we 'spot washed' the 3 major areas: underarms and groin. Never once noticing a fowl odor from my comrades. Perhaps we smelled the same so as not to notice? I don't know. What I do know is I do not use deoderant for my own beliefs (I think its unhealthy to keep yourself from sweating) but I do bathe daily and never once has it been brought to my attention by anyone that I was offensive to someone's olfactory senses. That is a sort of thing one would have heard about after 12 years. Although it is sanitary to keep your ands as free from germs as possible since they make the most contact with, well everything and everyone, there really is no 'UN-BIASED' scientific evidence that bathing daily is more sanitary than not. Naturally I do not include open wounds or skin tears. Those should always be cleansed (or bathed) to prevent infection. Otherwise, as long as I don't smell an awful or noticeable infraction to my nose, I could care less if you fully bathed/showered ans/or how often.
