Tuesday, September 6, 2011

On. My. Nerves.

Do you ever have days where it doesn’t matter what a person does, they get on your nerves?  Their voice, their actions, and the way they walk, the way they talk…the way they breathe? 

The really crappy part is when you wake up in a perfectly good mood or perhaps you received a nice wake up call, either way, your day started on the correct side of the bed.  And usually the person who is responsible for ruining such a morning is someone at work.  Because during a normal week, this is where you spend the majority of your time and therefore someone has the best opportunity to get on your nerves. 

Here are some things said person does, that most days I tolerate:

Talks with their mouth full…
Repeats the same story over and over and over…
Still does not know how to use the phone system at work…
Asks the same questions, within hours of one another…
Leaves dirty dishes for other people to clean…
Screams when they talk on the phone…
Asks if the phone is for them when you transfer the call directly to THEIR LINE…
Has the standard cell phone ringtone set on their phone, you know the one that comes with your phone, the obnoxious ear piercing tone like you are at a bad disco party and it is set as loud as it goes…
They show up for work simply to attempt to beat their previous Spider Solitaire score…
They refuse to answer the phone unless they know you are physically away from your desk…
Smoking occurs in their office, (which coincidentally is next to yours) and it takes up precious oxygen, which is vital to life, because as you know the air we breathe at work is NOT the same air we breathe when we leave work.  And then to taint it further with smoke?

Comes in after you have had a conversation with another co-worker and says “I wasn’t really listening, but what did you say about such and such?”  And you have to go over the entire conversation again, even though they heard the whole thing...
Asks for your opinion but never uses it…
Physically picks up things on your desk and looks at them, as if they have a flashing light on them saying to do such a thing, which is precisely why when you print that recipe you want to try out at home someday, you immediately put it in your duffle bag because you don’t want it getting in to the wrong hands…
Physically carries their laptop into your office, puts it down on top of all of the things you are currently working on and asks you how to get into THEIR email, because it is not working…
Comes in to work at 11am and leaves at 1pm…

Yikes I didn’t realize how many things got on my last nerve.  And there are so many more…Like nails on a chalkboard.  I am sure we all have our stories of how someone can get on your nerves.  I wish I had an alarm that would alert me to when it was going to happen.  Most of the time I know someone is going to get on my nerves based on my crappy demeanor before I even arrive wherever I am going.  And nine times out of ten, honestly I am in a bad mood because I am hungry…but anyway; the days that they get on your nerves and you are NOT prepared are the worst because you aren’t expecting it.  And nothing can make it better.  Until they leave, this by the way is never at 1pm on the days that you are having said issues.

Life is short, I realize that…but let’s face it, no one is perfect and every day isn’t the best day of our lives.  It is not the worst day of our lives either.  It just happens to be a day that this one person knows every single button to push; even though they don’t know they are pushing any…I think that is what makes it worse.  You know that they don’t have a clue.  Why would they possibly keep doing it if they knew?


  1. Because I know who you are talking about makes this all the more humorous. I completely understand however, happens to me all to often and when it does, not so funny, no.

  2. I work with all men - so much easier.
