Thursday, October 27, 2011

All I Want for Christmas is an Air Gun...

A much different ride to school today.  Kolbie came out with a blue wig and some 80’s looking attire.  When I asked if she was dressed for the 80’s she said she didn’t know what that was just that it was “way back day.”  This in turn made me feel really old.  She would have made a great child of the 80’s. 

I knew these conversations were valuable, I just didn’t know they would be a huge part of my Blog…however I think they will be.  Today’s conversation…

Me: I hope that is a wig and not your real hair.  Kolbie: It is.  Me: What are you supposed to be? Kolbie: I don't know, way back.  Me: What were you on career day?  Kolbie: A ghost hunter.  Me: Of course, why not.

Kolbie: Don’t even ask.  School and not school.  Me: Ok, well thank you for making my job easier.  What about you Dalton?  Dalton: Me what?  Me: What was your favorite and least favorite part of your day yesterday?  Dalton: I don’t remember.  Me: Well that is good, than nothing terrible bad happened.  Silence…

Dalton: What do you call that ball that you ask a question and it has a little window with the answer in it?  Me: A magic 8 ball, why do you have a question you need to ask it.  Dalton:  No, I just wondered what it was called.  Kolbie:  I have a Bratz one, but sometimes the question doesn’t match the answer you get.  Like, one of the answers is “go girl.”  Dalton: That’s because it’s not a real one, stupid ones don’t count.  Me (quickly changing the subject): Hope you guys want clothes for Christmas.  Dalton: Uh, no.  Kolbie: I like clothes.  Me: Good, you have everything kids could ever need.  Dalton: No I don’t.  I don’t have a semi-automatic air gun.  Kolbie: Ohhhh, me either.  Me: What the hell is that and what do you do with it.  Dalton: Uh, shoot people.  And it leaves marks like this one. (Showing me a mark on his finger) Me: Why would you want to shoot people?  Dalton: Because it’s fun and Ben and Liz have them.  Ben has two pistols, a semi-automatic, and (more names I will never remember.)  Me:  Guns are not a safe thing for kids to be playing with and if it is an air gun how does it leave marks, doesn’t it just shoot air?  Kolbie: Duh, they have pellets.  Dalton: They don’t hurt they just leave welts, like a paint gun would but not as bad.  Plus if I wear this jacket, it’s like armor.  They actually have armor you can wear too.  Me: Wal-Mart I suppose?  Kolbie: Nope, I haven’t seen them at Wal-Mart don’t waste your time going there.  Me:  Well I am not going to be getting anyone a gun and have that responsibility hanging over my head.  Have a great day at school, Aunt Tiff loves.  Dalton: We are late again.  Me: Uh, really, then why are people just getting off the bus then and we are only late when we take Aunt Dee Dee.  Goodbye now. 

Seriously everyone should drive them to school just once.  

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